
TLDR: “I’m trans and I am threatened by the existence of de-transitioned people because my identity is so fragile it cannot withstand any scrutiny”.

You can be furious at Singal and also be annoyed at the phrasing at the same time. Anger can be expressed in more constructive ways than reaching out like this. I’m all for scathing articles and publicity that keep the focus where it needs to be. But I feel that childish interaction allows the guilty party to dismiss

This. It is really unprofessional to reach out for an interview with comments like that. I don’t blame the Atlantic for refusing to submit to an interview if all they had to go on was, “what is your fucking deal” etc.

This article is how not to be a journalist. Claim you want an answer, start the conversation out with the person that can give it to you like a petulant child, quote yourself in the article like you’re some authority figure. Way to go, champ.

May we assume that “What’s your fucking deal?” was not your first outreach? Why not present an earlier attempt - presuming you first contacted him and Atlantic with something like, “I am doing a piece on your various articles on trans issues. Can we sit down for an interview?” - which, perhaps went ignored, thus the

Adults should be free to make whatever modifications to their bodies they desire.

In order to have women’s athletics as an entity there has to be a cutoff, intersex, testes, testosterone. Without the line there will be one unified event open to anyone. Is that what we want?

“ But you won’t hear any leading Democrat—even now—say we need to get rid of Border Patrol. You won’t hear any leading Democrat with any real power say we need to dismantle ICE.”

But you won’t hear any leading Democrat—even now—say we need to get rid of Border Patrol. You won’t hear any leading Democrat with any real power say we need to dismantle ICE. You certainly won’t hear any leading Democrat say we need to rethink the concept of “illegal immigration” altogether.

There was a great article linked to in the comments the last time this came up here. In it a scientist who was a highly competitive runner talked about how changing testosterone levels greatly affected their personal race times.

So whose really at fault in that manipulative picture? The family endangering their child/children by bringing them into the country illegally, or the U.S. for having in place the laws the family is breaking?

Right? Obama is not this gleaming example to all humanity. He was good president with some severe flaws when it came to homeland security and a willingness to use weapons overseas.

Ah yes, what we really need now is a way to blame Democrats. Thank you for this timely post. Let’s ignore 49 Democratic senators (re: all of them) drafting legislation to end this, and instead, say they aren’t “doing enough” because they aren’t calling for an end to all border patrol.

I’m struggling to imagine why a minority party’s general refusal to be shouting about impeachment of a duly elected, first term President is some sort of cause for alarm. What is it that you think will be accomplished if Democrats in Congress start calling for impeachment, right now at this moment when impeachment

Since we have separate male and female classes someone does have to define normative levels. It’s arbitrary, it’s hard, but typically the sport’s governing body gets to do it. The alternative is to not have sex based classes at all, which seems to be exactly what you are arguing for in your last paragraph.

Give it a rest already. Harry’s costume choice was certainly ill-advised, but if we’re going to harp on people for the rest of their lives over dumb things they did when they were in their late teens or early twenties, how is anybody ever supposed to show that they have matured and changed?

Yeah! That will show them! Keep taking everything from women, just so trans-identifying women can run with women!

Nobody’s going to touch this subject again with a ten foot pole.

No one’s “forcing her to take birth control”. Like ALL other athletes she has to hit the eligibility criteria for the group she wants to race in. How she meets that criteria is not their business. And as the article points out, she has a number of alternatives if she is unwilling or unable to meet the criteria. She

Correct me if I’m wrong - I don’t like sports nor support them for the most part - but she does have an inherent advantage over her competitors, no? If I was her I would probably feel targeted as well, but I also think I would be conscious of the fact that I’m physiologically operating differently than my competition,