Out of curiosity, what benefit does your constant virtue signaling accrue to your life?
Out of curiosity, what benefit does your constant virtue signaling accrue to your life?
“I have so much money, I can let my friend spray paint my super expensive car. I also have terrible taste, which is why it’s not even a cool design, but something that a 7th grader would write on his desk at school thinking it made him a badass.”
I mean, you insert yourself into every comment section so do you really not get the impulse?
Why does it have to smell bad? it hopefully has a better chance of smelling good
We can’t.
Can we not call it a box?
“they would never be able to vote anyone in as their votes would be outnumbered.”
Clinton was not a presidential candidate because her spouse was an ex-President. She was imminently qualified in her own right, and had been politically active almost her whole life.
Plus James Comey breaking with all protocol and directly interfering in the election (due to what seems to have been a misguided desire to protect the FBI from right-wing criticism after Hillary’s coming victory, but instead likely tipped the election to Trump.)
And the antiquated electoral college that discounted Clinton’s 3 million popular votes over yet again another “selected” candidate. So there’s that.
Also, this is no disrespect to the wonderful and amazing Michelle Obama, but I’m so fucking tired of the 2016 election being analyzed as if it was a legitimate election. All these numbers and percentages don’t mean shit when Russians were hacking into voter rolls and voting machines. And when gerrymandering, voter…
Trump and his inner circle are such parodies of themselves that a sketch like this is pointless.
I’ll say it again. It’s not the entire country that’s awful. It’s actually a minority of people (you know, popular vote etc..) Unfortunately, they have grabbed power. As Bill Maher put it... we had a right wing coup.
Bible-thumpers don’t ever read the shit in the Bible. They might as well be thumping a piece of wood because they sure as shit don’t live the way the Bible tells them to.
While I certainly do not particularly appreciate him on a political level, and have mighty conflicted feelings toward him on a human level, I truly wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on my worst enemy. Between that and bone cancer, I’d rank it in the absolute peak of worst ways to semi-naturally pass, and living with it (as…
Exactly. It’s NOT really about being a virgin or having no sex— it’s about not being able to have The Hot Chick[tm] that these guys feel are OWED them. If you tell them “you could be having a lot of fun, hot, happy, willing sex with this nerd-girl who’s just like you and really wants a boyfriend, if only you’d put…
I think it goes beyond sexual frustration - it’s frustration that they are not in control of a woman or women.
Yes; the difference between “there must be something wrong with me” and “there must be something wrong with them.”
This is good and important work.