Nacho, PhD

From experience, if you work in the game industry, for a game company:

#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Oh cool, white dude asking 100 women to pose nude for difficult-to-decipher performance peice about “the sacred feminine” for a bunch of people who are already too dense to give a shit about women. Thank you, smart arty man, for figuring out how to communicate for us! We should’ve just been holding up mirrors and

Gandhi better get his shit together this time. The wolf in sheep’s clothing gimmick won’t work on me anymore. Dick.

Yeah but these laws make sense because, just like gun control laws, they only affect law abiding citizens WAIT SHIT

“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

Nope, unintended defenestration.

But we already have one of those, right?

It’s important to look at Anime as a whole, and not just a specific set of years. Look at it now. The bailout worked. The animations are gaining traction. The stories inspire us. And yet, we still have a long way to go as a global community with making sure our children inherit a solid foundation on which to grow this

I know a lot of folks aren’t on board, but seriously, this is my new nerd crush.


You should probably discuss this with a therapist.

@elwood: Yeah. I know. I see them at the drag strip every time I go. I also saw a really fast school bus, Lazy-boy, lawn mower, snow mobile...