Nacho, PhD
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it was a cartoon version of “tales of the gold monkey” and even Archer Ripped off that one.

THIS is the engineering content I crave.

The real reason for flying boats was the fixed pitch prop. Prior to adjustable pitch props you had either a climb or cruise prop, if you wanted to be able to cruise at altitude at a decent speed and at a low cruise RPM you needed a flat pitch prop. This was the equivalent of fifth gear in a car and just like top gear

What even more amazing is that I think this has better production quality than any F1 race I’ve seen lately.

Well, here in CA, the sale of “black Explorers” to the public should be illegal.

The way around it is to assume good intentions and that the person is giving you their attention until they prove otherwise. Then you won’t offend someone with hearing problems by making everyone aware of their hearing aids.

 I guess I’m in the minority here. As long as I have your attention when it is warranted, I couldn’t care less if there is something in your ear. Just because you have it in, doesn’t mean you have it on. If there is any indication that your attention is elsewhere (music, phone call), then you are the asshole.

Sorry salty, you’re in the wrong on this one:

Bruh, did you just try to defend your position by posting American Racing wheels from 2005?

Nope, steel rims and dog dish hubcaps on a muscle car is a look that always works.

... or a Big Mac engorged President.

I do enjoy a coconut oil popcorn moment, though recently I have been using duck fat :)

Someone beat me to it already but it is tough to shame someone who has no shame. After turning on the TV this morning and immediately trying to figure out if anyone we knew was in Las Vegas, my wife and I talked about the fact that nothing will change. Sometime this week, and it may have already happened, someone will

thank you! i always remove my hat indoors, but i didn’t realize the nuanced rules about indoor hats. and tipping your hat should be a thing again for sure, as long as nicer hats are back in style.

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

And only two Godfather movies.

You’re totally right. You’re horrible.

I would’ve said “Who are the Oakland Raiders?” and flipped over my podium when the judges ruled against me.


The rules are clear: it’s “take a walk,” not “drive a semi.”