If you didn't read it at the time, I definitely recommend checking out Walt Simonson's 1980s-90s run on Thor. Mixing up bits of Norse mythology with Kirby/Starlin-style Space Silliness was pretty much exactly his stock in trade, and it (mostly) worked unfathomably well — to the point where you still get sad nerds…
London Has Fallen’s Babak Najafi directs
The Jaguar AvP game was a pretty amazing accomplishment considering the limitations of the Jag hardware, was pretty fun to play in short bursts. But. BUT.
Spoiler: no
Not bad for a song that was basically brazen lift of Squeeze's "Take Me I'm Yours"
Also, if you thought the Washington Monument was about to collapse, then why aren't you getting as far away as possible?
Speaking as a parent of a kid in a New York City magnet school: nah, they got the demographics about right. Peter's not going to Stuyvesant or Hunter, he's going to the MCU version of Bronx Science, which has been majority-minority (primarily east/south asian but also about 17% black/hispanic/other) for years and…
"Why did Peter not know who Liz's father is if he's so obsessed with her and shares classes and afterschool activities with her?"
Honestly I'm kinda glad to hear that someone enjoyed it. Erik Harvey certainly cannot be accused of not completely committing to the role they wrote for him.
Yes! That exactly! The best thing about the Vulture is that he's not only not a super-villain, he's just one fatal character flaw (confusing a natural desire to protect his family with a license to, you know, steal shit and murder people) away from being not a villain at all. (As Tom Breihan said of "Die Hard" over…
I'm pretty sure Martin is not actually related to Brian Sanderson.
FWIW I actually really liked this take on Flash. Peter goes to an engineering high school; it makes sense that his school nemesis would resemble Kent from Real Genius
Diamondback over Red Skull? Hell, Diamondback over anyone? That's a dangerously hot take there.
Everyone's already chewed over most of the important bits of this movie by now, so I mostly just wanted to say:
I'm still pondering whether this is better than #2, but much to my surprise I'm leaning toward yes.
A billion amens. The script had a few creaky points, but they clearly got this part: Spider-Man is a working-class, street-level hero. Fighting an arms dealer who is inconveniently linked to his non-hero life is about pitch-perfect.
Amen on all counts.
Snipes still did all of his own stunts/fights for "The Player". He is 100% still here for all your superhero silliness.