
Technically you're right — the series isn't done and I guess they could do some kind of reveal about Epstein. But I'd be very surprised and frankly kinda disappointed if they did that. The laws of physics in the Expanse universe are mostly understood to work largely like those in the real world (modulo the unlikely

Yeah, that's actually pretty common for movies and for men's beauty pageants, er, I mean, bodybuilding competitions. Chris Evans has to do it for all of his shirtless scenes too. Acting is a weird business.

Article top picture: a very good looking man in excellent shape.

Extremely minor book spoilers: Epstein is quite dead. There's a throwaway line in the first book about him having 'the longest funeral in history' — his drive torch can still be seen by sufficiently powerful telescopes, still accelerating away at 15G for decades to centuries.

I'm pretty sure you could get me to confess to the Zodiac murders by threatening me with one of these.

As a book reader… sigh. I know that they're filming this on a SyFy budget (and doing incredibly good work, considering), but I was really hoping we'd actually see the protomolecule child-soldier tearing its way through both the UN and MCRN marine platoons rather than just a brief shot of the aftermath.

Kurt Russell gets all the love and deservedly so, but I just wanna say: I'm really glad that Michael Rooker is getting some regular high-paying work with a decent amount of screen time on a project that doesn't require me to pretend to care about The Walking Dead.

The second Tron movie started with the incredible twin handicaps of having to treat the completely ridiculous first movie as canon and then of trying to sell Garret Hedlund as a compelling leading man, and despite that managed to claw its way up to being "kinda interesting" in spite of itself. So there are worse

This is neither here nor there, but that six-legged thing that the mech-soldier is facing off against in that screenshot?

The trailer for Prometheus was good enough that I bought tickets for an opening night show before I read any reviews. That turned out…poorly.

Today was a bad day to be at any company which depends on S3.

An A-minus. From Dowd.

Seriously. Was I the only person nerdy enough to not sleep through middle school civics class? The House impeaches, folks. And then the Senate has to convict. The odds of either of these things happening before 2024 are exactly zero.

Retconned? Dude, people protested that movie in 94 when it came out over its generic arab terrorist villains, and its shitty treatment of Jamie Lee Curtis was noted in basically every review of it at the time, with not a few reviewers speculating that Cameron's 1991 divorce from Linda Hamilton was a factor.

It's obviously been a few days and probably someone's mentioned it already but damned if I'm slogging through all 987 comments to find out, so apologies if this has already been mentioned, but:

Zhang, who is best known in this country for the eye-catching martial arts films Hero and House Of Flying Daggers

Somewhere around 2027, when the tell-all biographies come out (assuming we haven't all died in Steve Bannon's cleansing nuclear fireball), I'm really going to look forward to learning how many days Trudeau spent testing out handshake defense stances, because that shit was awesome.


Oh no, you're old enough to be my parent if my parents had me when they were 7! Surely I must bow before your complete inability to search amazon or google. (Also if you're 57, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders made their debut the same year you were born, so I believe my point about the sleazily dressed women at NFL

He's in some kind of weird limnal space between "accused" and "admitted" at this point.