
In fact I'm so thankful I turned off my ad blocker and reloaded the page.

It may surprise you to learn that the "drones" you can buy on amazon are simply gussied-up remote control helicopter toys which share nothing but a name with the military weapons being used in Yemen etc, that pentagrams are simple geometric figures with no more intrinsic effect on people's psyches than squares,

Holy crow, did we… did we successfully badger the AVclub staff into bringing this show back?

Anything to avoid covering season two of The Expanse, apparently.

No, no no no no. Fuck no. Whatever office they are positioning her to run for in four years: fucking no. Enough of these people. The only thing I want to hear from the entire Clinton family at this point is a long apology followed by several decades of dignified silence, and frankly if they skip the apology I can

I prefer the breakfast spread that won't cop out when there's danger all about, or as it's colloquially known: DOLOMITE

Foundation Imaging was the F/X house that worked on both B5 and Voyager and went out of business a few years later, although I was actually thinking of the other VFX company that worked on B5 and then nearly immediately went out of business: Netter Digital.

Trek fan: ugh, we'll never get a polished-up HD re-release of DS9 or Voyager!

You are in for a long series of treats. As noted above, start with Iron Monkey.

"The Fourth Man" is one of my favorite movies of all time; it's a pity that neither Krabbe nor Soutendijk had more of a career in the States.

Actually I thought that the reason McGann only made the "Night of the Doctor" short and was intercut into just one scene in "The 5ish Doctors" was because he had filming commitments in the US at the time that the anniversary special was being shot?


God bless working British actors. "Terminal pancreatic cancer? Well, I can probably do two or three more tv guest spots as long as I'm seated behind a desk, and let's schedule some audio plays for the last few months, I'll need a distraction…"

Soundtrack by Ted Nugent.


It's a testament to the depth of his resume that it's possible to write an obituary for him that mentions many iconic roles and somehow skips over his amazing performance as Stephan Ward in "Scandal", which you should all rent and watch right now.

Yeah, it's a stretch to call that movie "good", but it's probably as good an adaption of 1984 as we'll ever get, and he was note-perfect as Winston Smith

Pancreatic cancer is a bitch from hell; I guess I'm glad that he and the world got two more years of each other after his diagnosis. What an amazing, untouchable career.

That appears to be the plan, yes.