
It's actually kinda eerie how few people have anything bad to say about Reeves.

That bit starts at 3:34 in the "warehouse shootout" video in the article. There's at least two cuts between him laying the bike down and rolling back up to standing on his feet: I've always been curious about how they actually staged that scene.


She's in the "Rome" episode of this season of Tony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" on CNN. She is still amazingly beautiful.

May as well read Oryx & Crake while you're at it.

Yeah, I finally got around to reading Old Man Logan since it was allegedly some of the source for this movie and… christ, I never fucking learn with Millar. He's consistently awful: a smudged third-generation photocopy of Warren Ellis, minus the functional sense of humor and the ability to write compelling

Brunette, short-haired, tattooed Cate Blanchett turns out to be a near dead ringer for Gina Gershon?

There are multiple shots in the trailer of Vin Diesel skateboarding. He high-fives someone in a SUV as he passes them, on his skateboard.

True, but my (admittedly hazy) understanding of the timeline is that he didn't go full-on JW until after their son's death and their divorce, which was back in 96 — in a better world he'd've gotten decent medical care earlier and maybe done fewer tours and more studio work.

He was married twice: the second time to Testolini and previously to Mayte Garcia. Both divorces were amicable and neither of them seem to have much bad to say about him, which for a dude who was basically a rock star from the time he was a teenager is pretty damn impressive.

No, I knew. :(

Bourne Ultimatum for 2007? I think you're forgetting something. Something extremely important:

For a while, buying Stranglehold was the only way to get a proper Blu-Ray release of Hard Boiled, which they bundled with the game.

Holy shit, he's 44?!

On the other hand, Seagal is much more likely than Jones to get a cabinet appointment in the Trump administration, so… uh… yeah.

Wait what, really? Go watch Supercop, like right now. It's neck and neck whether Supercop or Drunken Master 2 are Jackie Chan's best picture.

Also true.

Really? That's a pity — it'd always been on my list of things to do once I got to HK, smell or no smell.

Whoa. Never promise monogamy to crazy.

See Full Contact. It's fucking amazing.