
If we wanna be capitalist about it, charge them.

Could we maybe refrain from giving these assholes free publicity?

The Expanse deserves way more love here.

Well that's just depressing all around.

This list does not have A Tribe Called Quest on it. I'm assuming people are being fired over this.

More or less, but then again so was Dan White.

Wait, that was Shocker robbing the ATM in the trailer?

It's weird, yeah, but it's really the same problem that the comics have: if NYC were really the home of Daredevil plus Jessica Jones plus Spider-man plus the Avengers plus the Fantastic Four plus (…etc…) they'd all be spending 80% of their time shit-talking each other on twitter. You make some compromises on the

They can call him whatever they want, but… that's fucking Ganke, that is, right there.

A little weird that they've basically paired Ganke Lee with the Peter Parker Spider-Man, but… okay, yeah, this looks fun.

Man, Kingdom Come has not aged well, has it?

OMG the Blazing Arrow take-off cover.

Amen on all counts. All available evidence from the last decade suggests that the film will be yet another lazy botch-job meant to deliver a 15% ROI to Fox by incompetently stitching together beats from classic Claremont, Miller and Millar stories that a studio exec had an intern describe to him. (The intern, in

…I actually kinda like the purple long-tailed tux costume? The rest of them are horrible though.

Astonishingly, the answer is "yes".

No. Just no. To all of this.

Oooooooh. I suspect Ronin didn't do quite enough business to qualify, but it really should be. The whole template for the modern "quietly efficient murderers go about their business in plain sight and all know each other" film (cf: John Wick) is right there, and it's so, so good.

He kinda already spoiled it in the article on "The Killer" — 1992's greatest action film by a loooooooong yard is HARD (FUCKING) BOILED. Also possibly the greatest action film ever.

For pure insane theistic mind-fuckery, my hands-down favorite PKD will always be UBIK, in which a bunch of dead people on Mars discover that divine grace is available in convenient spray can form.

The Godfather III was really sunk by casting more than anything else. It was the movie where we all finally realized that Andy Garcia was the brooding male Brooke Shields of his generation, and of course poor Sofia…