
Nah, I think it's okay to own being a Queensryche fan from that era. Everything from "Empire" onward is embarrassing drek, but "Rage for Order" and of course Mindcrime are entirely solid examples of 80s/90s prog metal.

It always weirds me out that people say that Total Recall is ambiguous about whether Quaid is dreaming the whole plot: that line pretty well lays it out in black and white.

"Surely the monster has gone to sleep by now; it's safe to leave the cabin!"

Also: what's with the preponderance of these Hefner-approved conservative mouthpieces? Do the people in charge of these things really think so little of their audience they think a head of blonde hair, a decent rack and no sense of shame is all it takes?

"The Texas Chainstore Manager" is so good that it's physically painful to me that I didn't come up with it myself. Well done, kids.

So on the one hand you're right: in terms of actual proof of malicious intent, there's nothing here.

There are regular protests outside Trump Tower already. Come on down, we can use the energy: 56th and 5th, rain or shine.

I'm guessing Reeves donated his time — it seems like the sort of project he'd be into helping.

The library should have paid you for that.

Aw damnit. Never met him IRL but we were facebook friends and used to occasionally comment on each other's "blogs" back when that was a thing. I knew he was in terrible shape, but was clinging to some hope that he might somehow pull through.

I have heard a rumor that darker things are less prone to spontaneous fracture.

The cast of Dr. Strange really did an amazing job of distracting you from how perfunctory and dumb the actual plot of the movie was. And I say that only somewhat in complaint and mostly in awe: if even one of those leads had been even slightly off, that movie would have collapsed under the weight of its own

Fuck yes, this.

^^^ Probably a more watchable program than an actual adaptation of "God-Emperor of Dune"

This is… a good idea.

I will never, ever tire of watching BBC actors attempt to do American accents.

"She also butts heads with her father (Temuera Morrison)"

For real. I guess everyone gets a little spooked by how far from downtown it is. :(

Dear Kanye's coke dealer: seriously, it's intervention time dude. He can't buy eightballs from you when he's in intensive care.

"The College Dropout" was authentically pretty great, back in the day. The rest of it is a sad and all too predictable story about what fame does to people who wanted it but were in no way prepared for it.