
Oh god. This is already the most depressing gimmick account ever.

This just in: Vikernes is being considered for a cabinet position in the Trump administration.

Motherfuckers can't even get swastikas right. Take some pride in your work, assholes.

Dear Kanye's coke dealer: you gotta consider your client's long term health. He ain't gonna buy anything from you when he's dead. Cut back a bit.

Only with a lot more racism. Seriously, Black Rain is only one small step below "Rising Sun" as the nadir of the 1980s fixation on Japan.

(But Face/Off really is kinda awesome.)

For all its iconic power, though, The Killer isn’t Woo’s masterpiece.

Nah, it's cool. I couldn't remember his name and trusted the first thing I saw on google. :)

Oops, indeed.

To be clear: I like Justice, a lot! But I think you kinda get at some of the issues with it: it's an album by a band that lost one of its primary artistic sources and half the time is trying to carry on as if he were still there. And I'm definitely in the "leave it" category w/r/t its production, so there you go.

^^^^ Same question as OP, with the following stricture:

Two unimpeachable classics, one seriously promising but uneven debut album and one ambitious and intermittently brilliant but also heavily compromised transitional document, I'd say.

After MCA died and while ATCQ was still officially broken up, I always kinda expected/hoped that Q-Tip and the remaining beasties would do a thing together.

Oh fuck. Don't even JOKE.

Schizophrenia is a hell of a thing :(

Damned if Bowie didn't decide to go out in the absolute most Bowie-like way possible. I hope we're still discovering weird little easter eggs here for years: it'll be a nice way to take our minds off how grim living in Trump's deportation camps is bound to be.

Didn't Fisher confirm in one of her biographies that she'd slept with both of them at various times?

*looks horrified at Kirk Hammett*

God, no kidding. I think that particular illusion came crashing down around the time that the "Judgement Night" soundtrack came out.