
It's a controversial take, but you might just be right.


Are we talking young beautiful Johnny Depp or latter-period bloated alcoholic wife-beating Johnny Depp? Makes a very big difference.

Sweeney Todd was…as good as it could have been given that nearly none of the main cast could sing worth a damn?

DD S2 is pretty okay if you just skip everything but the episodes with the Punisher and the Kingpin in them.

If you took the most cutting-edge AI/ML algorithms from Google or whoever, ran them on a datacenter the size of Montana, and trained them on the entire corpus of bland white-boy ska-rap in order to synthesize its exact essence, the output would be indistinguishable from any Sublime track.

^^^^^^^^ This. I know that the production of MM3 was a total mess behind the scenes and the score composition was really the least of it, but Brian "no, not the one from Queen" May's scores for the first two movies were dead-on perfect, and while obviously Maurice Jarre is a genius and needs to make no apology to

Cameron has basically made an entire career out of recycling bits of material he wrote while he was working for Corman. Large chunks of Aliens, Avatar and the Terminator films all started out as two spec scripts called "Mother" and "Xenogenesis" back in the late 70s / early 80s. (You can even see a short film

(And to be honest…maybe they're right do to that? It's not like anyone's made a better adaption of any of Ellroy's L.A. quartet novels? So props to Hanson, warts and all, but I'm still annoyed that he ended his movie by kicking the legs out from under anyone who might ever want to try to adapt White Jazz.)

Maybe not overrated, but I think it does kinda get graded on a curve? Amazing direction, pitch-perfect acting and the notorious difficulty of the source material seems to make people willing to overlook the face-slapping dumbness of both the "Rollo Tomassi" plotline insert and the self-defeating audience-pleasing

Dieter Laser wants a word.

Just please please oh god please no posthumous "duets" album or godawful 50%-unnecessary-remixes "special editions" in order to pay the bills. Just put Sheila E in charge of the whole thing.

Because if there's one thing that comics have really lacked for in the last 30 years, it's tormented heroes trying to come to grips with their powers?

I never actually saw Miracle Day. I'm usually that idiot who watched anything Who-related no matter how awful, but this time something broke. Absolutely nobody — not any review site, not a single friend of mine — had anything good to say about it, and I realized that I could maybe just do something better with my

It's almost — almost — worth suffering through every last terrible episode of Torchwood's first two seasons just for the head-snapping experience of the quality jump from there to the first fifteen minutes of the first episode of CoE.

Yes, thank you, this. When everyone heard the plan of "adult-oriented Doctor Who spinoff starring Captain Jack", what they reasonably expected was Barrowman getting into fun hijinx and actually showing him making out with everyone rather than just talking about it.

In fairness, Torchwood improved a bit after that, but that's only because Cyberwoman was the single worst episode of any Doctor Who-or-spinoff series up to and including "The Horns of Nimon" and that weird off-license australian K-9 show. There was literally nowhere to go but up after that point.

I'm thinking the fact that Torchwood was consistently, relentlessly terrible (save for the brief unexpected pleasure of "Children of Earth") and got shit ratings in every incarnation may be the actual limiting factor here.

No-questions great? That's easy: Supreme: Story of the Year.

No, but it is the man behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive.