
A couple of the bound editions of Watchmen include his notes on the first page (and therefore first nine panels) of the comic.

Cancer certainly seems like a possibility: a couple of tough rounds of chemo would totally explain the latter-day pictures. Not that it's any of our business, but did he ever confirm it?

Oh trust, Woke Intersectional Twitter/Tumblr is already all fucking over how awful awful awful Richard Arquette is for not using the "correct" pronoun for his genderfluid, multiply-identifying sibling who just died achingly young.

I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that. If you look at the pictures of him at the premieres of the two Sin City movies, there's clearly something very wrong with him: in the 8 years separating them, he appears to have aged by decades and lost all of his body hair including his eyebrows.

Having recently seen this with a pair of 6-year-olds, the quips and asides broke the flow of the movie for me, but they seemed to serve as very useful comic relief for the kids (nominally its target audience, right?), who were scared witless during the encounters with the Moon Aunts and needed the break.

See! This is literally a license to print money.

Eh, well, you're starting out from the entire defensible positions that TSWLM is the best Moore film (it is) and that OHMSS is the best Bond film period (I actually prefer Casino Royale, but it's an entirely respectable stance), so you could do worse.

He made three great Bond films


Nevermind money, they should offer him final approval on the director, screenwriter and timetable. Most of his frustration with the process of making Bond films seems to stem from the two of his movies (QoS; Spectre) that were notorious shitshows on the production side, and not coincidently those were also the movies

So since this is the de facto spoiler thread…

Consider that her mother married Kevin Smith, presumably intentionally.

At least with GF3 Coppola had the reasonable excuse that Winona Ryder had dropped out at the last possible minute. Smith planned this.

Since Showtime never cancels anything

Sooner or later, that fucking arch-lich Rupert Murdoch is going to finally die. We can only hope that his children aren't as enthusiastic about the project of keeping a money-losing paper in business as a vanity press.

Yeah, Thiel is scum. But the only thing that could make this entire situation worse is trying to pass some half-thought-through law that ends up crippling the entire legal advocacy profession, and I'm really worried that people are gonna try to do just that. :(

Counter-offer: Motorhead. You can't really accuse them of artistic growth though.

From "England's Newest Hit-Makers" to "Tattoo You" was 17 years, so the Rolling Stones had a pretty good run there. Should've packed it in after "Steel Wheels" though, so your 20 year mark still stands.

Am I Savage?

"Decent riffs, shit lyrics" is kinda Metallica's whole thing though? It's not like the lyrics on any of the first three albums were actually good, it's just that we all forgave them because everyone involved (the band, the fans) was like 19 years old and the riff on "Creeping Death" was so good.