
Also, for all the hand-wringing about Thiel, this is how advocacy law works. A person or an organization with more resources donates those resources to the legal team of someone who they think has a good case but no ability to push it through the courts on their own dime. This is what the ACLU does every single day,

I'll confess that I never actually played the FreeSpace games; I should probably go back and rectify that…

It's not like anyone considers "Tie Fighter" to be by a long yard not just the best licensed Star Wars game ever made but also the best space dogfighting game ever on its own merits. I'm sure nobody would be interested in seeing a modernized update of that.

For a period of at least four or five years after Kaczynski was arrested, he functioned as a near-perfect detector for insufferable bores at parties: just mention his name, and you'd get at least one, sometimes two, idiot beard-strokers sighing about how insightful Kaczynski's logorrhea was. You could then avoid

^^^^^^^^ All of this. My parents took me to see Time Bandits in the theaters when I was 8, and I probably saw it twenty or thirty more times over the course of my childhood. When we finally got a VCR, it was the first film we got.

"a", not "the", although obviously the latter would have been even better.

Even granting your implicit point about the background racial issues here, I think we're a little past the point where anyone can say with a straight face that the system "worked" for Dassey. He got fucked over about as hard as it's possible for the system to fuck someone over shy of an execution — it's good that

I know the nerdosphere is thinking Donald Glover, but I'd like to make a counteroffer: Tristan Wilds

Given the extent to which the entire Star Wars series strip-mined various samurai and martial arts movies for their aesthetic and storylines, maybe the main problem with casting an asian actor as a lead is that they didn't do it decades ago and there should be more of them?

Huh. I guess "Weeds" would be it for me, although "The Knick" is a close second.

And the current version is written by the "Dinosaur Comics" dude. I look forward to it more than any other comic currently being written by a wide margin, including Saga.

Nevermind all that. For reasons of length, Snyder had to do something to tighten up the plot, and replacing the squid alien with Manhattan had the virtue of narrative efficiency.

God yes. Totally the wrong age of course, but Redford's turn in The Winter Soldier is really as close to a proper on-screen rendition of Adrian as we're ever likely to see.

Ozymandias was way too overtly evil.

Nah, it's cool. Prince was an amazing artist, but from all accounts often a mammoth pain in the ass as a human being. Not the first or last time that those two traits have gone together.

"Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust" must be about The Knack, right?

Filmed on a set, actors on wires, CGI hair.

Actually that's kinda not true. The toaster did the genlocking and editing, but that effects were composed in LightWave3D, a modelling program that was bundled with the Toaster, and as far as I am aware (admittedly it has been literally decades) LightWave did it's actual rendering on the Amiga motherboard (using both

Yeah, same here. But the meta-problem is that the number of people like you and me who would buy an official release no matter how shitty the SFX are is… small. It may be down to just the two of us at this point.

Yeah, the whole "DVDs last forever" (preceded by "CDs last forever") turned out to be a bit of…dramatic license? Heat and direct sunlight will absolutely kill the underlying substrate. If you've got shows you love on DVD that you don't expect to always be available for streaming, you'd be well advised to grab a copy