
Yeah. Every few years, some mid-level WB flunky makes a statement to the effect that B5 is "one of our most important properties" and people start to get excited about a remastered release, and then… nothing. End of the day, WB is less a kingdom (a la Disney) and more like a loosely aligned collection of independent


It's only a trailer. For all we know the entire second half of the movie turns out to be all about the Imperial Navy having to rescue Damon from a sinking ship.

She's completely right, but nobody has ever accused Matt Damon of being particularly smart. I'd love to know what Zhang Yimou's excuse for being involved in this atrocity is.

Yeah, I'm painfully familiar with the particulars. I've long since lost the link, but a while back there was an article by (I think) Douglas Netter who described the fifty-car clusterfuck of the Foundation Imaging / Netter Digital implosion and how completely and totally fucked anyone wanting to do additional B5 work

Like you wouldn't fucking believe:

Trust me, it was way more entertaining than what was on the screen, at least for anyone over the age of 8 or so.

Ouch. That hurts.

It's like god himself wants to make a blu-ray release as difficult as possible. :(

First paragraph: oh yay, it's Matt Damon's turn to do his "The Last Samurai" turn as the white guy who saves an Asian country. Hollywood, do you never learn from your mistakes?

Thus did I end up in a movie theater with my 6-year-old, mostly checking facebook on my phone while occasionally glancing up at "The Secret Life of Pets". Heat and kids make for some seriously dubious entertainment choices.

Damnit, should have scrolled down before posting EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Sounds like all it needs is a Philip Glass soundtrack to be an unofficial Koyaaniqatsi sequel.

And literally nobody will notice.

You can't come in with a lede like that and not tell the story.

Agreed. We didn't need to see Ripley crying over a picture of her daughter. Bluntly, Ripley's not a cryer: her emotional reserve is as much a part of her character as any of John Wayne or Clint Eastwood's. There wasn't any need to draw a big red FRUSTRATED MATERNAL INSTINCTS circle around her relationship with

No, the NY Times dug up his will and he left them all quite comfortable inheritances, nevermind that Iman was probably quite well of before they married and Duncan is a successful film director. Unless Alexandria develops an even larger coke habit than Bowie at his peak (and maybe not even then) they'll never be

I'd even argue that most of the "success" of the retconning is due to people being really indulgent of Empire rewriting the original movie on the (entirely reasonable) grounds that on the whole it's a much better movie than ANH. But if you watch them back to back, damn near nothing that Obi Wan says or does with Luke

how do you maintain pecs like that at that age?

Let's say D- in that case. There are limits.