
Oh no doubt: you've got all of Sublime and 311's discographies to contend with, the entire rap-rock genre that eventually spawned La Durst, you've got Live and Counting Crows, hell you've got all of Limp Bizket's other songs. It's a target-rich environment.

Counterpoint: yes, yes he fucking well did deserve to be as universally loathed as he was, and "Break Stuff" is by multiple astronomical units the worst song released in the 1990s.

Literally no power on earth could compel me to hit the 'play' button on that video.

If "ethnic cleansing" is more to your taste, we can certainly call it that instead.

"Angel's Egg" is amazing; it's a pity so few people have seen it.

Thumper looks like something Jeff Minter would have dreamed up on a particularly interesting acid trip, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Keter-class for sure.

It's a pity that the movie didn't stick the, uh, landing: it literally went to shit the moment the plane touched down. But man oh man the 70-80 minutes leading up to that were awesome.

Thank you. I'll even take the contrarian position that S5 was the high point (yes, fight me, etc) but about the best thing you can say about the sixth season is that the musical episode happened somewhere in there, and the best thing that you can say about the seventh season is…

The tree of liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of completely random children.

And yet, that billionaire would have been just another asshole with a grudge against gawker if they hadn't published a stolen sex tape.

Charlie Jane is awesome, but I gave up on io9 after they started publishing paid ads for fad diet consultants as "science reporting". There were plenty of talented people publishing their work under Gawker's banner — and I begrudge no working writer a paycheck — but I'm finding it very hard to mourn the corporation's

USG is absolutely awesome. Well worth the money.

If there was one thing that Jack Kirby could, would and did do, repeatedly, shamelessly and to great effect throughout his entire career, it was rip himself off.

My guess is that Fox has them along with the X-Men rights, but who knows.

The other way that stars are not like us is that they've got plenty of money for PEDs and very little likelihood of getting piss tested at work. :)

Amen. There's a pretty famous before and after picture of Hugh Jackman as Shirtless Wolverine, first from X2 and then later from DOFP:

Steroids are a hell of a thing.

You know, if you're going to open and close your book with formal nods to Watchmen, maybe it would behoove you to make the intervening thousand pages or so (possibly an exaggeration, but man did it seem to go on forever on the same. exact. note.) a little…good? Or even interesting? Really anything other than "Wally

IMDB doesn't suggest that he's got a lot on his plate right now for film/TV work, but he's primarily a stage actor and they don't track that so who knows.