
Seriously WTF. This is normally THE ONLY PLACE on the internets where reading the comments isn't normally a prelude to me stabbing myself in the eyes with a rusty fork. Who invited the youtube commenters over?

Interesting, since this basically confirms what Neil Gaiman said about the role being offered to someone prior to Capaldi. I assume they're all talking about Paterson Joseph?



It's almost as if casting them in the first place was a terrible idea?

Hell, Donnie Darko theatrical cut to Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut :(

Dude, making short people look imposing on camera is a problem that got solved in the silent film era.

They're holding on to Monica for the 12-episode Netflix series of NEXTWAVE.

Is she going to have to change her name to Kree Lar-son?

Still the maker of the best FF movie: Roger fucking Corman.

Plausible? Timeline-wise it would make sense.

Disney and Fox are going to have to come to some sort of legal agreement about distributing ANH. Don't hold your breath.

(Which is to say, I remember it playing in theaters in Ann Arbor, MI. Can't remember ahead of which feature though.)

American audiences never saw that title on the big screen.

And it's a fair cop that whatever problems Quantum and Spectre had, they weren't him — he was pretty regularly the best thing about some pretty dodgy movies.

Yeah, I'll totally admit that I basically got sandbagged by my own expectations. I'd been hearing for 15 years from various of my friends that it was the Greatest Thing Evar and had been saving it for a rainy day. Lo and behold the rainy day came along and what I got was an intermittently funny actioner that mostly

Amen. It feels a little churlish to complain about Ellis' output given how consistently prolific he's been over the last 20 years, but it's hard not to imagine wistfully what we would have gotten if not for some incredibly ill-timed technical and health issues.

Apocalypse basically existed because X-Factor needed a villain who wasn't Magneto or the League or the Sentinels or Hellfire Club to bounce off of. Sadly he really never got any better fleshed out than that, despite half a dozen generally talented writers doing their damndest.

Oh dear. Some actual criticism being attempted here. I predict epic rivers of nerd tears in the comments.

Because Patterson Joseph needs to have his schedule clear for 2017 when series 11 of Doctor Who starts filming.