
FWIW, I've never gotten the impression from the interviews that Craig has disliked the money, the fans, the fame or the increased opportunities that being Bond brought to him.

He got one great one (possibly even the best one ever), one very pretty one and two disasters. Given EON's reluctance to hire actual professional screenwriters, we should probably all just be thankful that we got Casino Royale out of the deal.

I have no idea how it holds up now. If I had to guess, I’d say not so great


Fucking amen. Ian Fleming was not exactly Marcel Proust, but if there's one thing that Casino Royale proved beyond a shadow of a doubt it's that he was still leagues better at telling a coherent story than the infinite room of monkeys that Eon productions normally employs for the task these days.

Huh, I never realized that Megablast was based on that theme. And…apparently there's a new BtB album out as of 2013?!

I feel like B-Real is getting short-changed by the name of this group. They should have called it "Extremely Stoned Prophets of Rage"

Given DC's current track record, maybe they should?

If the only bright spot of the dour and generally unwatchable DC Cinematic Universe turned out to be a series of Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy road trip movies, that'd be pretty rad actually.

We could easily lose Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard before the year is out.

I think I figured that one out. The Ninja restaurant from the last season of the Venture Bros? (Also from real life if you wanna get picky?) It's actually a front: all of the waiters and other staff are actually ninjas. It's brilliant: hiding in plain sight, and who would think to investigate an overpriced theme

As a movie, The Abyss is a misfire at best. But it's completely worth watching the making-of documentary, "Under Pressure". You will walk away from it amazed that any actor was ever willing to work with Cameron ever again, and even more amazed that any insurance company was ever willing to underwrite one of his

(And also because Fox has the rights to Magneto, Doom and Galactus, so… yeah, Loki and Thanos it is.)

You're doing mostly fine, except that you should go see "The Winter Soldier" like right now, because it is weirdly by far the best of the MCU movies.

There's a few of them left actually, just not in the main wings.

Huh, @whovian must be asleep or something. Oh well, a gig's a gig:

Ugh, don't even say that. That goddamn clusterfuck is like Banquo's ghost in the room here: it would be a tragedy for the ages if the Nelson family went down that road. :(

because if time doesn't exist, he can't age

I've read in a couple places now that it's not entirely uncommon for devout JWs to die intestate — you're supposed to be planning for the kingdom of god, not prosaic concerns like probate court. But that's third-hand wanking on the internets, so take it for what very little it's worth.

Ugh, I'm so sorry man. NSAIDs are an amazing invention right up until the point when your stomach lining dissolves. :(