
As you can imagine, that approach has literally never occurred to me before.

Your mouth to god's ear.

This is why I'm pretty well convinced that there isn't one. This isn't a random dude dying intestate, it's one of the most famous entertainers of the last 50 years, and his death has been nonstop news for days and days now. If there's a lawyer somewhere in Minnesota or LA sitting on a copy of the last will and

No, it's not just you. That shit just pisses me off. I can't think of a single time that the 'bonus tracks' haven't completely broken the flow of an album.

A deluxe Sign O' the Times boxed set with the albums-in-progress that were consolidated to form the final album (Dream Factory, Camille, Crystal Ball '87)

At this point she seems to have successfully convinced a judge that no will exists, and given the number of lawyers that Prince kept gainfully employed over the years I think that we can, sadly, assume that if a will existed it would have turned up by now. :(

Also, remember: devout Jehovah's Witness. So if he had any condition that would have required major surgery to correct, it might very well have gone untreated. :(

The tour happened! Or at least was happening; I'm not sure it was officially wrapped up when he died? In any case he'd already played several dates on it, and the videos from his last show that are on youtube are from it.

It's a hard call, but Labor Days has "Daylight", "No Regrets" and the incredible "9-5ers Anthem", so I'll usually go with that.

Bernthal was the absolute highlight of an otherwise seriously sophomore-slumping season of Daredevil, so I'm cautiously optimistic. As long as there are no fucking ninjas. (Or, alternatively, if Frank encounters a room full of ninjas, shrugs, and mows them all down with his minigun. And scene.)

I'm almost wondering if there was some issue with Bernthal's schedule that led to some last-minute re-writing? Or hell, maybe the decision to do Daredevil S2 ahead of The Defenders just threw a monkey wrench into the whole thing. Whatever happened, the writers just completely whiffed the entire Elektra plotline.

None of the episodes of S2 deserves a C much less a D.

And the problem with ninjas is…

Right there with you. 2016 can fuck right the hell off. EVERYTHING IS STUPID.

Fuuuuuuuuck. :(

When I saw him in SF a few years ago, the thing that struck me was that the guy did not sweat. 2.5-hour set (the second he'd played that day) and not a drop on him at the end of it. It was a little uncanny, and there are actually a number of diseases that will make your sweat glands malfunction and they are all very

Yeah, I'm really hoping that we're in for the long pent-up flood of concert videos and board tapes.

STEVIE WONDER, PEOPLE. Seriously, someone drive by his house and knock on the damn door.

Goddamnit, I had to re-read your post THREE TIMES before I realized that you weren't saying that Dikachu had died. Stupid english language.

Devout JWs won't accept blood transfusions, which means that in most cases surgery is off the table for them. Which is all very theoretical when you're in your 20s, but after 50 shit can get very real very quickly. Something was clearly up with his health recently: he collapsed on an airplane last week.