
My best guess is that he's referring to this:

Oof, maybe that's "ha ha only serious" — someone just pointed out to me that as a JW, Prince might have refused surgery or a blood transfusion. If that's the case I am going to fucking burn the Watchtower building down.

Christian Science? :(


AVclubbers: gah. I totally get the temptation here — I'm gobsmacked that we lost Prince and Bowie within four months of each other — but there is no fucking reason that Prince's obit should be 20% Bowie references by weight. Neither of these cats needed or wanted the comparison, and their careers completely stand on

At 57?! This is some bullshit right here.

Kinda like Daleks:

Not surprising given that I made those up on the spot. :)
Anyway Miller's Wolverine 4-parter was mostly a riff on a couple of classics of western takes on Japan: the Mikado, Madame Butterfly and more recently and mostly James Clavell's "Shogun", which was a huge bestseller in the 70s and a very popular TV miniseries

(The Mutankado? Madame Mutantfly? Shogun X?)

Let's do crimes!

"Paging Doctor Benway. Doctor Benway, please return your scalpel."


To be fair-ish, none of the medium shots during that scene established that there was any visible blood. What's really face-smacking is that Matt Murdock — professional trial lawyer — didn't think to say "I know what you're thinking but she was just nearly disemboweled, behold this pile of exculpatory blood-soaked

I honestly don't think that excuses it much. Miller's 80s Japanophilia was very much a piece of its time and doesn't hold up particularly well now. (Honestly the original Wolverine mini-series, which is basically The Mutankado, is pretty cringe-worthy.) The contrast to the scenes with Fisk and Castle — grounded

And thank god?

Or, you know, JJ Abrams is incapable of making a movie without one Dumb Red Thing in it.

Residents cameo!

Showtime has subscription revenue up front: they can nurse a cult show along indefinitely as long as their general subscription numbers stay up. I salute Fuller and NBC for having the stones to put Hannibal onto prime-time network TV, but it was always a questionable fit.


My initial guess when they announced that there would be a tour was that Scott Wieland would finish out most of the dates as the lead singer.