
At the end of the day, Marvel/Disney is going to protect their brand investment here, but yeah — the DIY black outfit just looked much better than the red thing with the silly horns.

(I swear I did not make this post before making mine which was nearly identical. Are we related or something?)

On the one hand, this is clearly going to be yet another piece of godawful late-period Tim Burton forced whimsy with overdone CGI effects.

The funny thing is that from the point of view of 2016, for me at least, Gaiman's material holds up a little better? Moore's Miracleman/Marvelman run is impossible to see as anything but a warmup for Watchmen, and in most respects the comparison between the two always comes out the worse for MM — Gaiman's issues just



More therapy, fewer interviews. PTSD is a hell of a thing, and I wish him well.


Two and a half? I mean, I love that film with an unholy (sic) passion (ibid) but it's more of a commentary on the gospels and religious faith itself than any sort of retelling of them.

When the definitive history of the "motion picture" is written, it will surely not escape anyone's notice that the only actually entertaining and interesting films about Yeshua ben Yosef were the ones that were considered sacrilegious and were roundly condemned and protested by self-styled Christians.

That scene is just insane. I first saw PS3/Supercop well over 20 years ago now, and my heart still catches in my throat every time I see her making that jump.

Wellll…. I'd say that the novel took more pains to say that Bill wasn't a "true transsexual", mostly by having one or another character say at several points "he's not a true transsexual", but when it came time to show what Jame Gumb actually was, Harris was way more interested in doing scenes with Clarice or

Yeah, these days the East River is… well… you don't necessarily want to swim in it, but it's not especially dangerous unless you're in some way immunocompromised:

Hard Candy was definitely Bizarro.

The monarch hitting a rotting, dead dolphin while riding a hoverboard in the polluted East River

Yeah, it's actually part of a chain — there's one in Tokyo as well. It was the subject of a hilariously and famously negative review in the Times back in 2005 that "went viral" long before that terrible phrase became a thing:…

Scalped was fucking awesome, and I reaaaaaally hope they don't fuck this up.

Well, FSVO "people". NuImage isn't making its profits off the american theatrical release market. They literally have no reason to care what you or I think of their finished products: we're only the audience by happenstance.

I'm gonna assume that the CGI explosions are, in the grand Cannon tradition, a cost-saving measure. As long as you're just using off-the-shelf software and not doing primary research yourself a la Pixar, doing all of your fire and blood effects in post has got to save you a ton just in insurance costs alone.

This movie and it's nearly-as-bad predecessor make a lot more sense if you watch the documentary "Electric Boogaloo" about Cannon films.