
Yeah, I have a small soft spot in my heart for Load (although not so much of one that I actually listen to it regularly) just because it was nice to see them trying to stretch out a bit.

I'm gonna assume that he's just pretending St. Anger never happened, which is a perfectly reasonable position to hold.

Honestly, the first 3-4 albums aren't too bad. I mean yeah, it's somewhat juvenile RAGE and DARKNESS but it fits the material and there's a few moments of what looks like actual lyrical growth as they went along.

S&M has the handicap of being only distantly the third-best album of orchestral/instrumental arrangements of Metallica songs. Apocalyptica's "Plays Metallica by Four Cellos" and "Inquisition Symphony" were already permanently slotted into the #1 and #2 positions by the time S&M was published.

Plus since Agent Carter seems unlikely to be renewed, they could have Hayley Atwell bleach her hair out and play Elsa Bloodstone.

YES YES YES. Sadly I don't think there's any way that Netflix would be able to properly budget for it, but a boy can dream:

Actual, for-real answer: "The Cocktail". The Old Fashioned is a lineal descendent of The First Cocktail.


S2 is a little less tonally uneven than S1 IMO, but it's still Penny Dreadful. Winkingly self-important silliness is pretty much the order of the day.


Huh. Well, Yuen Wo-Ping + Michelle Yeoh + Donnie Yen + I already have a Netflix subscription means I'll at least take a look.

Yeah, no. An entire generation lost its virginity to the Last Temptation soundtrack.

Wait wait wait. Y'all totally buried the lede here: Frank Ocean is still alive? Kanye managed to find Frank Ocean and actually get him into a studio to record something?! This should be the damn headline.

This film was the second R-rated movie that 14-year-old Doctor Memory snuck into. The previews made it seem like a slam dunk: Susan Sarandon! Michelle Pfeiffer! Sexy witches! What could go wrong?

Maybe do not watch this movie if you would ever like to enjoy a cherry ever again in your life.

It worked out pretty well for Ellison? Judging by the timeline, whatever settlement he and Cameron came to allowed him to basically retire from actively pursuing work as either a screenwriter or a fiction author.

I have heard a rumor that black is not prone to fracturing at an early age.

Instead we got Halle Berry talking about frogs. Life is seriously unfair some days.

Weird as it is to say, the only contemporary comic writer who seems to "get" Superman is Grant Morrison. "All-Star Superman" is easily the best thing written about the character in the last 20 years — and sadly I don't think it's a coincidence that it's basically a one-off that exists for the sole purpose of writing