

Consistently terrible ratings and the fact that neither Amazon nor Netflix wanted to pick up the show's high production costs in the face of those ratings killed Hannibal.

That is made doubly weird since I read the source blog and it's an expose on the more insular and weird hasidic communities in new york city.

Well, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. Which is kinda like Detroit, only way whiter and generally less on fire.

It's been like 15 years since I lived in Boston, and I gotta ask: do they still call it the Combat Zone? I figured once they'd torn down the Naked Eye, that place would have been first seat on the gentrification express.

Woot. Not only do I have tickets for the NYC show, but it turns out to be… in my neighborhood?! They're playing the United Palace Theater at 175th & Broadway, from which I could potentially walk home.

*clutches his life-size Reeves Gabrels poster to his chest and cries*

I have to assume that in the original film it's Sukkot when he visits her and he's bringing date fronds and etrogs (a middle-eastern citrus fruit). Which doesn't necessarily even really make that much sense in a context where all of your characters are Jewish (you don't generally give them as gifts to other people;

Lifeforce is by a long long yard the greatest topless space vampire movie ever made. It's also the only topless space vampire movie ever made, but that detracts not even slightly from its awesomeness.

It will hopefully help that Bowie, unlike a lot of his peers, was pretty good at managing his money, in addition to being on good terms with his small family. Iman was rich before he met her, Duncan is a successful movie director, and Alexandria would have to develop a Keith Richards-sized drug habit before she could

Torchwood, especially the first season, is shockingly terrible and incompetent. Imagine a cross between "The X-Files" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as put together by someone with a late stage brain tumor.

Ugh, no. Just no. The original Labyrinth wasn't even a particularly good movie, but what charms it did have were all down to three things, Bowie, Connelly and Muppets.


Sorry, I'm generally a Paul Cornell fan, but… no. There was an interesting episode about grief and loss there, but unfortunately it was only occasionally able to poke its head above the actual plot of that story, which was "don't meddle with the timestream, or… um… time gargoyles will eat you." It plays far better

If we're going to call out Moffat for his alleged misogyny, his near-total inability to hire and keep on any female writers in his entire tenure as producer seems like a way more fruitful avenue of attack than any of his occasional flat-footed remarks or allegedly deep inspections of his written female characters

Hell, RTD's first season — which is as good a season as the show ever got — still had "World War III / Aliens of London", "The Unquiet Dead" and "Father's Day" stinking up the joint. I don't think a single season since has had a better than 60% hit rate, and that's being extremely generous.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was easily the best of his scripts, and it was… kinda fun, if you were in the right mood for it. After that…it's a long and fast trip down the greased quality pole. :(

I didn't like "The Doctor's Wife" even a little bit, but worst NuWho episode ever? Dude, I'd watch an 8 hour marathon of "The Doctor's Wife" before ever watching "The Doctor's Daughter" ever again.

Unless Tilda's agent is completely incompetent, it'll never happen: the BBC could never afford her for a regular series commitment.

Curious if you stuck it out for "Heaven Sent / Hell Bent / The Husbands of River Song"?