
Off the top of my head: "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship". "The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood". "The Power of Three" And for Torchwood, "Cyberwoman" and "Countrycide".

Really the only plausible candidates were Gatiss, Chibnall and Whithouse — of the three of them I actually think Gatiss and Chibnall are basically tied for awfulness, but we dodged a bullet with Whithouse not getting the job.

The scary thing about "Dinosaurs on a Space Ship" is that it is by a very long yard the best thing that Chibnall ever wrote for Who/Torchwood. Every single one of his other scripts was substantially worse. Chew on that.

Oh yay, the author of three or four of the worst episodes of Who or Torchwood aired in the modern era is going to be running the show. This does not exactly inspire confidence.

Yeah, I know — I'd actually like to have a legal copy that isn't split into 9 15-minute youtube chunks.

I'd really love to know if anyone knows the story being this movie's near-complete unavailability. Rickman and Minghella were both legitimate Big Names for the last decade at least, and yet this movie is nowhere — not a single streaming service has it, and the 2003 DVD may as well have been printed on pure

There are people who didn't like TCV? I don't want to know them.

A rare case of a theme song basically redeeming an entire movie.

They can do that and the chicken-foot imprint wrinkle with prosthetics, I'm sure.

I got a Rome notification for this?!

I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Rust Cohle likes to check his own pulse after shooting a bunch of people.

Oh, huh. It's been an age: I thought I remembered that Claremont was writing X-Factor in the beginning, but you might be right?

At least it's being true to the source material? The whole Apocalypse / Dark Angel storyline was pretty much the apex of Chris Claremont's "too much cocaine, too little editorial supervision" period when he was untouchable at Marvel: he was goofy and boring when he originally showed up in X-Factor, and if anyone

"How can you not be excited?"

"I just got a call from Steven Avery, who I am scared of, asking me to go out to the Avery compound, which weirds me out, to shoot car photos, which I don't believe is his actual intention. But there was no caller-ID on the number, so I guess that's okay; it might be some different Steven Avery who lives at the exact

So what's the over/under on how many shows Rose actually completes before storming offstage, never to be heard from again? I'm thinking 5.

Of the many Lemmy stories, this one may be the finest.

Ah, but that's the rub. Don't get me wrong, I'm with you: Appetite is fucking incredible. Easily the best hard rock album of the 80s, strong contender for "ever." (First-ballot top five, in any case.) As an individual album, yeah, I'd put it over "Overkill" or "Ace of Spades".

More serious answer than you were probably looking for: one of the reasons Lemmy is revered is that while he may never have had the artistic ambition (stop sniggering) that Axl did, he also never vanished up his own asshole for 20 years while mostly failing to put out new material and putting on legendarily rare and

As long as the special challenge round involves competing to be the fastest person to drink a fifth of jack daniels while snorting lines of meth off a hooker's ass.