
Yeah, if you're gonna get terminal cancer, that's pretty much exactly how you want it to go. The other way is pretty much the worst thing possible.


I'm sure that the facts that it's Fox and they gave it to a guy who's never directed a full-length picture before and that they're dumping it in February all mean that there's nothing to worry about.

Seriously. And he got to spend the next year trolling people on Twitter about it.

I also thought that it was an interesting take on "the dark side". For six movies now, various people have intoned that fear, hate, anger etc etc etc are all what leads to The Dark Side™, but pretty much every last character we saw who had gone that way (Vader, Palpatine, Dooku, even poor dialogue-free Maul) was

It's Luke.

I've basically given up hope that Tom Sizemore is ever going to get Slingers off the ground; this sounds like it'll do.

Well, uh, modulo the pedophilia. (google "Allen Ginsberg NAMBLA" or, uh, don't.)

Actually this is the first time in at least five years that I've recognized more than zero of the artists, and #1 and #2 are both albums I bought on their release day. Hooray my tastes are relevant again!

Also let's not forget that in addition to having a terrible, terrible fanbase their actual music sucked too: if you spent your entire lifetime perfecting a computer algorithm to procedurally generate the blandest pop-ska music ever made, the output would be indistinguishable from Sublime's discography.

2015: the year that albums by cats were both least and most essential.

So uh… someone on the production staff is a huge Six String Samurai fan, then?

Huh. My prediction that the rumored original-lineup guns&roses reunion tour would end with Axl storming offstage after three shows and Weiland filling in as lead singer for however many tour dates happened before the whole thing got shitcanned is clearly going to need some re-tooling.

Well… Power Man's origin was "blaxploitation is hot! Let's do a blaxploitation hero!" For all that, he's one of my favorite characters, but his early stuff is pretty cringeworthy.

Sadly Gwendoline Christie is probably way too expensive/busy these days, but hope springs eternal?


Even better: don't do a CGI She-Hulk. Go the full Ferrigno: green body paint and forced perspective shots.

"The show’s timidity regarding the implications of what its main villain does is disappointing"

The original PC "TIE Fighter" game >> everything in this article.

It helps to remember that Charlie Sheen is extremely rich, not extremely smart.