
On the up-side, we had a sly and kinda awesome dig at Firefly — behold, a future marked by Asian iconography in which there are actual Asian people! With speaking parts and everything!

Damnit, I was gonna be all clever and say exactly this, word for word but then I thought "better scroll down".

I rank the odds of Rose managing to hold his shit together long enough for this to actually happen at about 8-to-1 against. The odds of him managing to complete an entire tour without storming off the stage and retreating into the studio for another twenty years? 20-to-1 against.

This. This is the thing that blows my mind about GG. They are 100% up front about this: they literally believe that the problem with gaming "journalism" is that they are not sufficiently in the pocket of their advertisers, and are not likely enough to stamp an automatic A+ on Call Of Warfare MCMLXVIII.

Yeah, having multiple people press me for details about the people I dated as a teenager when I'm in my 30s-40s? Frankly that's nightmare fuel, and I don't even live in the same city as any of them, nevermind share headlining duties of a critical-darling band. I'm frankly surprised she and Tucker are willing to say

So basically, this entire episode was Doctor Who doing Maurice Sendak's "Pierre", right down to the moral that if you don't care, you'll get eaten by a lion.

Who says he didn't? From the audience's perspective, Jack hasn't been alive anywhere near as long as Ashildur/Me — he gets stranded in 1869 shortly after "Bad Wolf", does the slow road through to 2009 at which point Torchwood begins, does another century detour being buried alive (presumably not adding much by way

Dear Marvel: I would pay money to see this in the theaters . MULTIPLE TIMES.

If Netflix were to do a straight-up issue-by-issue adaption of the recent Warren Ellis run on the revived Moon Knight series, I might die of joy.

(Also Alias the TV show was by JJ Abrams, which does not stand for Jessica Jones but… this isn't confusing at all.)

If nothing else, they completely nailed the casting for Luke Cage. Fingers crossed that "Heroes for Hire" (or whatever they end up calling the PM/IF show) is a good venue for Colter.

a compulsion to interject phallic imagery that borders on coprographia

Totally with you.

Whatever my qualms with this episode might have been, the pan upward to the clouds as the Doctor was completely failing to sell his fake Odin act wins my vote as the high point of this season so far. I started cackling immediately and ended up having to rewind to actually watch the scene.

At this point for me it's all about strategic voting. I'd actually personally rank "Mummy" up with "The Empty Child" (although not Blink certainly) but nevermind that — we have to consider the fact that the most likely options right now are Toby Whithouse, Mark Gatiss and… god, it hurts to even say this… (*deep

I feel like that aspect of the episode suffered enormously from, well, the previous episode. Seeing the Doctor get angsty about the "rules" of time travel in a completely crap episode where nothing interesting was at stake pretty much salted the earth in advance of this episode's substantially better take on the same

Best part? The Viking pulls the sonic shades off the Doctor's face and breaks them.

An "A" seems like a stretch here (mostly because the emotional peak of the episode hinged on a plot point that literally nobody cared about and I personally was really hoping they'd just quietly drop: if 12 chose his face to remind him that he needed to save people, did 6 choose his to remind himself to be nicer to

…Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes…

Yup! It's absolutely my favorite factoid about him.