
"Die Hard 6 to go back in time and ruin Die Hard once and for all"

Hell, they probably figured out how much their favorite Seattle-based tribute band (*cough* Nirvana *cough*) was still making just on t-shirts alone and realized that they didn't even have to be in a room together in order to get some of that lucre.

Bob Mould was not even slightly ironic in his love for pro wrestling or big sweaty men in spandex.

Nevermind a new tour, if they can sort their shit out with each other and SST I'd be happy just to see remasters of their first couple records.

Those of us who remember "I want… ROOM SERVICE" have terrible news to impart: manic unhinged Keanu is the worst Keanu.

Also a fair bit of, of all things, Alien^3— the scene with them alternating lures to capture the ghosts was pretty much a direct lift.

ridiculous overgrown children

FNM already tendered their apology; it was called "Angel Dust".

That's nice, now apologize for Audioslave.

Brady is good, but in my sadder moments I like to imagine what someone like Randall Cunningham might have been able to do behind the Patriots' line and with the Pats spying system behind him. :)

The Ryan family's continued employment in the NFL is a goddamn mystery to me. Buddy Ryan is mostly notable for taking what might have been the best defense ever fielded by an NFL team, combining it with a once-in-a-generation talent at quarterback, and somehow riding that combination all the way to… three one-and-out

The one where he turns everyone into clones of himself, or just the one where he hypnotizes everyone into making him Prime Minister? (Really not sure which approach is funnier.)

Two and a half solid paragraphs of text leading up to the "meow mix" joke. My hat is off to you, sir.

Really, whatever works. :)

For someone who was, in his early adulthood, one of the three or four most famous people in the world, Mark Hammill is a shockingly normal, functional human being with an entirely relatable sense of humor. It almost gives you faith in the species.

I seriously hope that they just use the Despecialized Editions and pay Harmy a ton of money. He's done all the work already and they own the rights to all of the material: they could literally just pick them up, master them to Blu-Ray and release them right now.

yeah, in a weird way the blackout marked the end of the insanity for me and a lot of people I knew. It was like the entire city tensed up and then said "nah, fuck it, let's just have a party instead."

Speaking only for myself, the entire period from 9/11 through the blackout and beyond was a little stressful. (Didn't help that I worked downtown and at a news company.)

I can't pretend to be even a little bit objective about this: I am over the moon happy that these guys are back. "Blazing Arrow" was the one thing that kept me sane during NYC's plague years of 2001-03: they've earned a lifetime on the buy-sight-unseen list. Can't wait to see them in concert again.

I think DotU gets a bad rap because it feels like a bit of an outtakes collection after Superunknown's cohesive wall-to-wall face punching. (The "In through the Out Door" to Superunknown's "IV" if you will.) But holy fuck what a collection of outtakes! Any other band, any other album, "Tighter Tighter" would have