
Thayil's solo on "Like Suicide" is, bar fucking none, my favorite pop/rock guitar work of the last 25 years. Four minutes of a slow, haunting three-note dirge, and then just… a goddamn nuclear meltdown of grief and rage. One of the few tracks beloved to me in my angsty 20s that I still regularly revisit as an adult.

I want to support her in that, but I can't help but think that she would make the absolute perfect Romana III if they ever wanted to bring that character back.

How has ZMF not been dragged back from Deadspin to comment by this news?


At this point, Ellison's health being the fragile thing that it is, I'm wondering what his estate is going to do with TLDV. Presumably all of the (typewritten!) stories are still in the legendary box in his Sherman Oaks house, so there's no reason they can't be published.

Elvis: "Do you think we're doing the devil's work?"

So at what point do they admit that the story was a plant to boost interest in the series?

It's a fair cop that Red Eye failed to stick the, ah, landing. But until the plane touched down, what a tight, vicious, fun little film. Easily one of the best moments of Cillian Murphy's career.

Seriously, the photos of him from the 60s suggest strongly that he was moonlighting as a Tom of Finland model.

LA country courts are notorious for a light touch with famous entertainers. It's a company town.

Skipping out on your sentencing is, itself, a crime. He is not wanted for rape — that trial is over and he pled guilty — he is wanted for being a fugitive from justice.

Well, as a metaphor it's pretty open-ended: it could be about any major city and the way that it refracts into entirely separate things depending on your point of view.

Remember, hip-hop beats were originally live turntable work by DJs playing for a live crowd in one of the poorest neighborhoods in america. Drums are expensive: drummers even moreso because the instrument takes years to master.

Sadly, there is not (yet!) a board game of "That's Not Punk!" but suddenly I have an idea for a kickstarter.

Maybe they can all sit down for a round of "Gother Than Thou: the card game"

Yeah, I think if I'd read it when I was 17 I would have been pretty taken with it, but I didn't get to it until i was in my 30s and… whoaboy. A few interesting ideas but they're all buried in shit-tons of puerile nonsense and surprisingly retrograde sexual hangups.

So it'll be true to the source material, you're saying?

Red Dragon is an entertaining pulp novel mostly notable for its surprisingly nuanced and sympathetic take on the character who is ostensibly its primary villain. It kinda falls apart in the end: Dolarhyde's fake suicide comes out of nowhere and largely serves as a setup to a b-movie jump-scare of a final act. But