
IMDB, Wikipedia and most importantly disagree:

Harris takes great pains to point out that Gumb isn't a "true transsexual" (whatever that is) or gay, but having issued those caveats promptly did nothing at all to explore what Gumb was, so we were just left with scenes of him mincing around his lair, lisping at his poodle while sewing a girl suit. It was not



The real problem with the "I'm mostly dog" stuff in the movie is that they do very close to nothing with it. He dog-snarls a few times, and there's a few throwaway lines about how he misses his "pack" but there is literally nothing about his character's actions that's informed or shaped by the idea that he's a pack

Yowza: first Sleater-Kinney, then Veruca Salt, and now L7. It's been a very very good year indeed for the cranky feminist rock bands of my youth getting it together to go back on tour.

Now, the inevitable sequel column: the exact moment when we all got completely tired of Jack Black.

Pray that this here turd tanks in even the secondary markets. The only thing that'll convince Fox to let Marvel have the rights back is if they think there's no way they can make money on it any more.

Yeah, it's a very different movie than the rest of them (which for better or worse picked a very different post-apocalyptic aesthetic and ran with it), but still surprisingly good. It's a tight little grindhouse flick with surprisingly well-drawn characters and a wickedly dark sense of humor: you can tell why it

Even in the first one, his wife kicks a bit of ass the first time she runs into Toecutter's gang.

The non-Frank-Oz Sam the Eagle just sounds…wrong.


I just read Red Dragon last month; pretty sure there's no reference to him being on steroids? He's basically rocking the "compulsive mental illness" workout program, which in fairness is probably pretty effective modulo injury issues.

Dolarhyde was easily the best thing about Red Dragon, the book— and Gumb was easily the worst thing about Silence of the Lambs. Harris was at great pains to point out that Gumb was neither trans nor gay, but having done that he didn't really have any idea how to convey what Gumb was or how he got that way, and he

"Joe Jackson suffers stroke, is still an asshole."

Always relevant:

Thank you; I came here to say this. RIP Ben Cheviot. A surprisingly nuanced take on an executive with a vestigial conscience for what was at the time a zero-budget scifi show that only like seven or so obsessives (among who I count myself proudly) remember.

Oh nice. I just finally got around to reading Red Dragon (having not seem Manhunter in years and years and having skipped the Ratner movie), and I was thinking the whole time that the murder of the family in the pilot seemed like a direct callback.

Loved her cheekbones and her line delivery, but there was only so much she could do with a terminally under-written character. Hope she gets more and better work down the line.

Meanwhile, the official MCU movies have to soldier along trying to make people care about Thanos, because these idiots have the rights to Doom and Galactus locked up for all eternity. :(