
I will console myself by listening to "After the Gold Rush"…

Worst of all, this means that we're going to be seeing those goddamn "minion meme" images on all of our elderly relatives' facebook accounts until the end of fucking time. For shame, America, for shame.


Put a fork in it.

"Practical filmmaking"

Fury Road really feels like the movie that Miller was dreaming about making when he made Mad Max 2, but was constrained by such annoying things as "money", "sanity", "the laws of physics" and "the absolute limits of filmmaking technology in 1981".

I'm sorry, I'm just not that into Pokemon.

The other thing I didn't particularly care for in the Street Fighter games: having to be anywhere near overzealous teenage zitbags who'd mistaken being good at a button-pressing memorization game for some kind of actual accomplishment. (God, if only we'd had the internet in 1975: imagine the reams and reams of "LOL

Yeah, this was pretty much exactly my experience. Once I got down into the tunnels and was surrounded by the armored and armed goons who could only be defeated via very specific takedown moves, I realized that suddenly I was playing an extremely tarted up version of Super Street Fighter Two, and I didn't have any

This. "Make Conan the King" should have been #1 with a bullet on Arnold's to-do list after his divorce settled out.

Weren't Cameron and Hamilton dating at the time? Probably he wasn't terribly inclined to give copious acting notes to someone he was involved with.

Even though I wouldn't call this a positive review, it's still better than I was expecting. A B- from Dowd suggests near-watchability. Noted if I get bored on a sunday afternoon any time in the next eight weeks.

"Never" was probably the wrong word, but man… Doom 2 shipped in 1994. That means that it's been over twenty years since they shipped a game that was much more than a glorified tech demo for an engine that other game companies could license. (Give or take Quake 3 Arena, which I enjoyed but which was basically the

That would be awesome, although I'm not sure Mann's visual style is in any way a fit for the series.

*doffs hat*

Kickers, Inc?

Making short guys look imposing is a problem that got solved back in the silent film era. Just ask Tom Cruise.

Too soon.

Weirdly, his other consistent defender for quite a while was Jodie Foster, who apparently enjoyed the hell out of hanging out with him while making Maverick and one would assume would have a low tolerance for racist/sexist bullshit. Which is why I tend to think the drinking problem was probably the root issue, not

With as much fairness as I can muster: Gibson's various mental breakdowns and detours back into batshit religion seemed to be pretty simultaneous with his drinking problems. Young not-yet-wetbrain Gibson was from all accounts much less of an asshole.