
C'mon. TKO to Knight in 0.0003 seconds.

(a) It's nice that _you've_ decided that she's clearly a victim of sexual abuse, but surprise! I'm not under any obligation to stipulate that you're correct. You. Are. Projecting. In. The. Absence. Of. Evidence. Knock it off.

She may have been sexually abused, but that does not magically absolve her of any responsibility to act like an adult or treat her partner respectfully. "I want to marry you but I hate sex and refuse to go to counseling?" "I'll kill myself if you break up with me?" Run for the goddamn hills.

Realistically, if you want the show to get picked up? Sign up for Amazon Prime and then immediately start streaming the first two seasons, even if it's to an ipad that nobody in your house is watching.

That discouraging moment when you search the article for "Venture" and only get hits on "Adventure Time".

It's, uh, very Gundam. Possibly the canonical Gundam ending, really.

Let's not forget Pfizer, which is the actual owner and operator of the former parts of Monsanto that actually did actual damage to the world (the chemical business which gave us PCBs and Agent Orange).

Actually, while Monsanto holds the patent to Bt corn, it is licensed to several other seed makers; if you want to buy Bt or Roundup-Ready corn or soy seed from Syngenta or Pioneer they will happily take your money. (for instance)

"Maybe the MOST Gundam ending."

Unless I missed the episode where Hannibal said, well, anything substantive about his relationship with his sister (possible I guess?), they haven't explained it at all in the show so far.

A-, seriously? This was incomprehensible gibberish to anyone not already thoroughly steeped in the minutiae of the secondary books and movies, and there's a limit to how much circle-jerking over the source material I'm willing to tolerate just for six minutes of Gillian Anderson being amusingly icy on screen.

Yes, Monsanto owns DeKalb et al. What you're repeatedly claiming that is not true is that Monsanto is "the agricultural division" of Pfizer/Pharmacia. It is not.

But that's the thing: I don't think there is any sort of smooth continuum here from the freshman sociology major who's a little too excited about Eldredge Cleaver on up through Rachel Dolezal's full-history makeover.

Pretty much all of the cases about GMO seed contamination were… not exactly how they got reported in the media:

The "GMO causes rat tumors" study was so thoroughly debunked that the journal it was published in retracted it:

Monsanto Inc is not part of either Pharmacia or Upjohn. Pharmacia sold off its 85% stake in Monsanto in the 2002 spin-off that created the current "Monsanto" corporation and owns no equity interest in them. The chemical and pharma businesses stayed with Pharmacia and are now a part of Pfizer.

Eva Green isn't really "in character" so much as she is "Eva Green."

Except that actually we haven't. We've all known plenty of well-meaning white folks who were transparently (and generally harmlessly) over-enthusiastic about black culture, but unless you had a really seriously fucked up childhood and adulthood, you probably didn't meet very many people who'd fabricated their own

And man… that right there is a list of things that iD was never particularly good at.