
Dave Grohl, bless him, came out of the insane clusterfuck of the Nirvana exp/implosion with a seemingly unstoppable desire to be a normal fucking guy making normal fucking rock and roll that normal people can enjoy. It makes for some samey-samey anthem-heavy albums, but you can hardly blame the guy.

Ah, memories. Remember ten years ago when 50 was so obviously the next biggest thing that they looked at Eminem's inexplicably successful self-starring movie and said "well, clearly we've got to make a movie based on his incredibly brief life and have him star in it too" except that nobody bothered to check and see

I know it helps shed some light on how that time period in NY was still a dark place and all

He was basically the only actor to escape those films with a shred of his dignity intact.

AvP was a legit classic, and none of the versions that Rebellion did for other platforms later on really measured up at all.

It's not without redeeming characteristics, but it's nowhere near as smart as it thinks it is, and it's a grim example of (white, ostensibly liberal) Hollywood self-back-patting about racism that manages to completely misunderstand how racism actually works and what it's going to take to fix it. (The answer is not

" Forget its paltry library of game ideas so half-baked they would make the Atari Jaguar line-up look ready for canonization."

"You know what we really need to further our cause? For a member of the most widely despised family of useless celebrity parasites to come out as trans!" —No Trans Person Ever

Ugh, yeah, you're not wrong. Last time I was there was in July. It was still awesome, but it was punishingly hot.

I remember that interview too; I think it was back when "Thelma & Louise" had just come out? Anyway I remember that line as being pretty self-deprecating and not bitter at all.

Why do we care about the Inhumans, again?

Oh cool. I didn't see the preview because iTunes, but if Chilton is back then I've won a small bet…

I'm thinking that if you're a professional costumer and someone says to you "for the next three weeks we're shooting Gillian Anderson in Paris and Florence and you have to make her look as good as the sets" that is basically the best possible job ever.

Car keys, and maybe.

On the list of places you should absolutely see before you die, Italy has, minimally, three of them: Florence, Venice and eternal Rome. Seriously, go.

Oh god. I'm sure that won't be unwatchably awful.

I just like the fact that Hannibal exists in a universe where they invented the cell phone but not the closed-circuit TV camera.

It probably says nothing good about me that I recognized the mutant amphibian dish from eXistenZ the moment this article loaded up.

I think "done with it" is being extremely and probably unnecessarily charitable.

It's a parody account and they made the the exact same joke four years ago.