
The part where you post under multiple accounts, respond weeks later to snarky comments with multiple lines of word salad and then upvote yourself for it? Makes you seem EXTRA sane. Keep on keeping on.

Glad to see someone else who understands that IotKT is their undisputed masterpiece.

This. Say what you will about what happened to the band over the last 20 years, but I could easily hum the final solo to "One" at any moment of any day even now in my 40s and probably for the rest of my life. I'm sure that the dude in Meshuggah plays tons faster and can do far more intricate time and key changes,


I'm pretty sure you don't get anywhere on the north side of #50 of any of the Billboard charts without getting pretty regular airplay. There being no formal definition for "rack up", I'd be inclined to let it pass: they weren't U2 or Nirvana but they had one gold single and a handful of smaller charting tracks.

Sigh. An amazing artifact of an era when "…starring Antonio Banderes" was a phrase to install enthusiasm rather than dread.

"The Real Thing" was fucking inescapable on college and "alt-rock" radio in 89-90, and "Midlife Crisis" charted reasonably well (#1 on Billboard's "alt" list; #32 on the Hot 100). "Falling to Pieces" from Epic and "A Small Victory" from Angel Dust also both charted although not particularly highly.

IIRC, Clinton went out of his way to encourage this, even releasing an album of nothing but beats to sample from.

So I saw the trailer for this ahead of Mad Max, and… uh… is the plot of this film that The Rock punches an earthquake? Because I guess I'd see that?

Cruise is a very very very weird individual, but his commitment to the physical side of his work is absolutely unimpeachable.

Theatrical cut all the way for me. I mean, I get why people like the deleted scenes, but the bit with her breaking down over the picture of her daughter always felt wrong to me: Ripley's emotional reserve was always as defining for her character as any of John Wayne's, and it made unnecessarily explicit what felt


So I imagine that the odds of this being a Steadmonesque hallucinatory nightmare drawn from the Claremont/Sienkewicz run on the series in the 80s are low to nonexistent? Pity, it'd be awesome if Fox advertised this as a "spunky teenage xmen" spinoff only to deliver SURPRISE DEMON TERROR BEAR.

T2… I love T2, but I have to rank it just a smidge below Aliens. It sags a little in the middle act, as opposed to the theatrical cut of Aliens, which is just fucking relentless from beginning to end.

Nearly 30 years later. Aliens remains the perfect action film. Nobody has done it better.

You seem sane.

Seems like maybe they might have wanted to get this sucker greenlit and into theaters before Colbert wrapped up the "Stephen Colbert" character and moved on to being yet another uninteresting late night talk show host, but the ways of Hollywood are inscrutable. (And also dumb.)

OMG, wait, stop.

The answer, sadly, appears to be 25% generalized "Hollywood sucks and we can't have nice things", and 75% extremely specific "Disney sucks in some very particular ways WRT gender."