

Thank you. The usage of that phrase (even when well intentioned) bugs the hell out of me: the "third world" is not some vast undifferentiated mass of starving sub-saharan tribesman out of a Sally Struthers ad, and if you spend any actual time talking to people from developing countries you'll find that rather a lot

Meh? I mean, stipulating that we're talking about counterfactuals of a fictional narrative, but Cat kidnapped the brother of the Queen and attempted to have him executed for a crime he didn't commit, all while her husband was blundering around King's Landing. There's a plausible argument to be made that civil war

Except that Catelyn Stark is pretty much the worst mom ever. She transfers her anger about her husband's bastard child from her husband to the kid himself, and then single-handedly starts the civil war which kills her husband and firstborn, turns her daughter into a psychotic assassin, and changes her remaining sons

Sigh. I just wish they hadn't wasted this premise (an from what all accounts is a career performance by the criminally underutilized Marsden) on such a halfassed-seeming movie. And also a Jack Black movie. But I repeat myself.

So, I gotta ask, was going to see New Model Ministry actually worth it? On the one hand, Ministry without Barker, Rieflin, Connelly, Ogre or Scaccia seems like it's really just the "Al Jourgeson Retirement Account Padding Experience." On the other hand I liked his solo stuff well enough.

This is really the final argument over "is it a choice?" Because believe me, if straight guys could choose to be gay, they all would, in a fucking heartbeat.

Sadly, there's no non-awkward way to say "you should really learn to appreciate dudes who are committed to and enjoy getting you off even when their own dick is done for the night", but I guarantee that in a few years (assuming you two don't pair off and get married) she'll be looking back on you with extreme fondness.

You should really really really really do that. It is easily one of the greatest films of all time.

Given that Mina's husband was Jonathan Harker, it seems likely that "Dracula" was impaled on a stage floor at the end of S1.

It's very very very difficult to successfully sue someone for doing a thematically similar pastiche of characters who are in the public domain: note that the BBC (producers of "Sherlock") and CBS (producers of "Elementary") have resisted the urge to sue each other.

Belatedly, I do actually wonder if either (a) the shaven-headed scenes were all simply filmed last, or (b) if she's actually going near-bald under a wig for most of the first series. If those were bald wigs in those scenes, her prosthetic artist is a goddamn genius.

That there is a side-eye for the ages.

So hey, remember when Lisa Bonet left the show abruptly in the middle of 1991 after a bunch of erratic-seeming behavior and weird circumstances?

The real Dan Savage is occasionally interesting to read? The gimmick poster hit diminishing returns after about two posts.

Song of the South is such a fucking can of worms. I can't blame Disney for wanting to bury it, but there it is: a fucking children's film that they made in 1946 (and which was in occasional TV and theater re-release as recently as 1977) that presented slaves as happy, singing, dancing Steppin Fetchets.

Oh my dear sweet lord yes.

If the show runners did not want a story from the 1960s being critiqued from a contemporary perspective, maybe they should have, I dunno, not explicitly set it in 2015?

They mentioned Leland's son multiple times, so I assume we'll be meeting him in S2 or S3.

In fairness, Leland did have multiple backup plans: he had the police officer stashed away, and he had the shock gun in his pocket in case Wilson lost his cool anyway.