
Thank you, came here to say exactly this.

Dear god the suit was terrible. It made sense within the bounds of the plot that he wanted something a little more bullet/knife-proof, but did nobody watch the screen tests of that thing?

Sadly, I'm guessing that "paint black circles over the eye-hole cut outs in the mask" is the sort of CGI effect that can be done with nobody noticing these days.

Anyone want to take a bet on how much money Barrow has made in royalties from radio airplay in the same amount of time?

It makes us so happy. Why question it?

Seriously, if Abrams actually convinced Ford to put down his vaporizer and engage with a film again, then he's already earned his salary and then some.

Even more depressing, you can watch "Hollywood Shuffle", which came out several years before ILC started (and was really Patient Zero of the Wayans pandemic) and it's still pretty much entirely on point.

Cookies are a bit of a special case, but if you find yourself swiping them from anyone under the age of 14 on a regular basis, you should maybe consider taking a cookie break.

Probably not, so spill. :)

Yes, this. That is exactly the line to draw.

Wait wait wait, you can't bury the lede like that. Am I gonna have to dig back through your disqus history for the Johnny Weir story?

Good lord man.

Oh, no argument. I'm more disappointed in this case since, well, it's Wonder Woman, who is culturally important in a way that Ant-Man, putting it mildly, is not.

And now I have been reminded that "Your Highness" was a thing I paid money to see, and I am incandescently angry all over again.

There's a there there, but the problem is that it's a really, really weird there. Weird and awesome, to be sure, but Wonder Woman is — way more than any other classic comic character — the product of an incredibly pure strain of early 20th century American crackpottery, in a way that I think even the best writer is

Interest in this film: briefly raised and then quickly dashed.

Lia insists nothing unsavory happened with the ODB-less group, who she says is made up of “nothing but gentlemen.”

Mutant Enemy productions have been noted for many positive aspects, but "amazing direction / cinematography / production values" was never ever one of them. (Indeed, Buffy's primary virtue was that it managed to sneak really good writing into a series that from the outside looked exactly like what you'd expect a

I find the Lee Hulk to be such a weird, fascinating misfire. It keeps almost but not quite working at every point, but it's also the closest thing to an auteur work to come out under the Marvel imprint. Lee's fascination with flawed parental figures and doomed romances keeps bubbling out constantly from underneath

And also Bruce Banner's father from the Ang Lee Hulk!