
That's a tradition around these parts.

GoG also had the advantage of being a ringer: despite their lack of name recognition, they were a prime slab of Jim Starlin / Jack Kirby High Space Weirdness, of a sort that Marvel basically specialized in during the 1980s. They had and have a lot of quality material to mine there: now that we've introduce the Kree,


Truth. I recently started replaying it (thank you, GOG and a large team of anonymous lawyers!) and I was amazed at how well it held up. "Oh right, this was the sensation of bowel-voiding terror as you hide in a supply closet clutching your last three rounds of ammo while listening to the shambling horrors outside!"

If you liked SS2, you should be doing absolutely nothing else with your time right now than playing the original Deus Ex. Those two games together are basically the high water mark of the FPS genre, and stand as an implicit rebuke of everything that is tired and hackneyed about AAA gaming in our debased present era.

If you had the PC version, there was a 3rd-party mod that basically did nothing but turn off the "golden highlights" filter.

Like many things touched by the dread hand of Frank Miller's Coke Habit, Daredevil seems to inevitably tempt otherwise sensible people into making unwatchable/unreadable grimdark messes.

I don't know that I'd call it "fun", but the AI droid in Duncan Jones' "Moon" was neither evil, violent, alienating or a reflection of the hero's emotional problems. It was basically a pretty happy robot that was good at its job and seemed to like helping out.

Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?


I actually once did an MFM 3-way with an ex and her then-current BF. I'm bi so no big deal, but he was 100% straight, so there was some intense pre-negotiation involved: at the end of the night we shook hands and that that was basically the only skin-to-skin contact we had directly with each other.

Dude. Respect. How the hell?

FWIW these aren't tinder/grindr/okc hookups: it's all people I've got a history with and don't get to see as often now that I'm on the other coast.

If it's porn with butt stuff in it, the actors have almost certainly had little/nothing to eat in the last 18 hours and had a high colonic just before filming commenced.

Even as someone who occasionally likes it and likes doing it to others: long shower first. Better yet a long soak in an extremely hot bath.

Gah. I dated a young lady who did occasional pro dom work some years ago, and she explained to me that this was how she and her co-workers arranged for barf scenes. It took me a while to re-establish a working relationship with vanilla ice cream.

You should really experiment with different brands and styles of condoms: for my money, most of the ones you can get in your local drugstore are crap. There's a number of speciality websites (condom depot dot com being my favorite) that carry all sorts of more interesting brands: I personally find that the

Nothing to share today, but tomorrow I fly out to SF for a long weekend and holy crap, I appear to have booked myself a date for every single night and twice on one of the afternoons.

I'm pretty sure that "exhausted and short-tempered after 23 days of straight work without a break", if you filed it in the great bug-tracker in the sky, would immediately be closed as "WONTFIX / NOTABUG / WORKINGASDESIGNED".

…starring the "best at fellatio" dude from Oglaf.