
Max Headroom. All the principles are still alive (modulo George Coe maybe?). It's time to do this.

You're welcome!

On the plus side, this means at least five more years in which it is unlikely that Chris Chibnall will be allowed anywhere near the producer's chair.

At the risk of channelling Mr. Savage… do you by any chance live in or near a state with legal medical/recreational marijuana?

I blame Sinead O'Connor, the first Star Trek movie and the third Alien movie: women who can rock a shaved head are absolutely irresistible to me.

Uh, when you think and say that "the Jews started WWI" you have jumped feet-first across the line separating anti-Zionism from anti-semitism, and the watching crowd is clapping politely at just how far you put that line behind you.

Meh, FWIW as someone with a slight preference for denuded, it reads (to me at least) not as "I am trying to look like a child" (and thank god, because ew) but as "I take sex seriously and nobody likes getting hairs stuck between their teeth."

Honest to god: no, I didn't remember that scene until you reminded me. And I liked Goldeneye — I'd say it's the second-best of the contemporary bond films, just behind Casino Royale. (And no coincidence that they were both directed by the same man: for the life of me I don't understand why Eon didn't lock down

They did…

Weiss is a goddamn monster; I'm pretty sure that she sleeps and eats at her drum set most days. Tucker was all "I'd like to have a family now" and Brownstein was all "wah wah touring is hard and I think I wanna be a comedian", but Weiss was the one going "goddamnit you slacker weaklings I came here to rock."

I'm trying to imagine my reaction if, fifteen years ago, you'd told me that the guitarist from Sleater-Kinney would be a guest star on a hugely popular cartoon by the "Sealab 2021" guys.

Somewhat more charitably, I will say that Clark could have had a brilliant career as a cinematographer if someone had been there to punch him in the face every single day of his life in which he attempted to venture that he'd like to direct and/or write as well.

Joking aside, I was always kinda hoping that if they ever made another album, they'd get Q-Tip to stand in for Yauch.

Fuck "Kids" and all of its apologists. That shit was "Reefer Madness" with better shot framing; its sole actual virtue was that it gave us Rosario Dawson.

It was expert, above-and-beyond pandering. And thus, completely up Spielberg's alley.

Actually I'm guessing it's even worse if you're some other sort of Asian woman: they'll keep trying to talk to you in pidgin-japanese about Manga despite your increasingly frantic attempts to point out that the Philippines are thousands of miles away and mostly Spanish speaking.

According to Fuller's twitter feed, the series opener will shift between four different time periods, so I suspect we'll be getting parts of Red Dragon inter-leaved with the "multi-course meal" plot.

Thank you.

"David and Nathan [Zellner] were quite knowledgeable about Japanese culture and Japanese women. They were very well versed about Japanese movies and Japanese movie music. "

Oh god. Yeah, I'll sign up on this. Mentally, she's everything that I abhor. Physically, I don't usually go for the playboy-centerfold dizzy blonde look. But… sigh. Yeah. Would totally hate-fuck.