
I assumed he had a sphygmomanometer.

Aw damnit, I've been way too busy with work and travel to keep up with the comments here the next few weeks. If there's a repeat meatup, I'm totally in.

Step one: find an even better friend of Kevin Smith's who does not ever want Mallrats 2 made.
Step two: kill that friend.

Hard to begrudge a working actress a regular paying gig… but in this case I think I can probably manage it.

Fuck the Gaye estate for making me feel sympathetic to human douche canoe Robin Thicke for even a fraction of a second.

I would, for the record, watch the hell out of Juliette Binoche in a "Long Kiss Goodnight"-esque shoot-em-up.

I can't begrudge a working actor anything that keeps him in steady gigs, but man… of all of the promising european actors to hit Hollywood in the 90s, Liam "Oskar Schindler" Neeson was really the last one that I would have picked, 20 years later, to be working the "middle-aged white guy self-actualizing

Tron 4: TeX

I'll take your word for it on Friday Night Lights.

Jesus. There but for the grace of god…

I thought that Legacy did a surprisingly good job given that it started with the handicap of having to treat the completely ridiculous first film as canon, and the further handicap of casting as generic a slab of whitebread as hollywood has ever produced in the lead role.

OkCupid and basically destroyed all of the various Spring Street Personals resellers (which the onion was, along with nerve and a gazillion other sites) and plowed the earth with salt.

Short form: we're provisionally fine with it as long as he's fine with it.

Also he was kinda good-looking. Just a smidge.

To my mind, the biggest trap on any karaoke playlist is Steely Dan. Fagen's vocals sound simple: almost monotonous, talk-singy, like any idiot could do them. Then suddenly you're up in front of a crowd of a hundred angry drunk people trying to muddle your way through "Deacon Blues" and you realize that you're not

Actually if you've got a reasonable range, "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" isn't too impossible. I've managed to not embarrass myself a few times with that one, which is not to say that I'm worthy of touching Freddie's hem…

Really? I'd not heard that; if you've got a source for it I'd be very curious!

In all seriousness, yes. I'm a little (happily) shocked that GM is still with us now in 2015, and I can't blame May/Deacon/Taylor for not wanting to deal with another talented trainwreck as a lead singer and bandmate.

I wouldn't go so far as "better", but hands-down the only cover of it I ever heard that could be ranked with Mercury's original. It's a mystery to me why the rest of the band didn't immediately try to hire Michael after that performance— neither Adam Lambert nor Paul Rodgers were even in the same solar system.

The only thing that could make that story better is if she did the Gene Parmesean scream when she saw Keith David.