
The chase scenes in Bullitt also jumped from (non-bordering) neighborhoods between shots, so that may have been an intentional homage.

I paid more money than I am comfortable admitting to see him when he played the DNA Lounge (cap: 700) in San Francisco last year.


Saw them in Philadelphia. Weiss is a goddamn monster. Dear lord.

One more vote for "that is some bullshit" here. The fetus+placenta isn't delicately hanging on to the side of your lovely wife's uterus with its fingernails: it's bloody well implanted in it, and surrounded on all sides by an organ that is the end result of literally millions of years of natural selection for the

Always opt for the threesome. If there are people who, on their deathbed, look back over the course of their life and say "I wish I'd had fewer threesomes"… well, honestly I don't believe such a person exists, but if they did I wouldn't want to know them and neither would you.

Okay, fair — but I suspect Prince's lifetime total is solidly in Wilt the Stilt territory. Because let's be serious: he did your mom. And my mom. And maybe our dads as well. Also probably our sisters and possibly our brothers. Basically our whole family has a very special relationship with Prince that they've been

THERE you are. I'd hit "more comments" three times and was starting to worry.

The best part is, I'm pretty sure that effeminate little guy got more tail than any 20 pro basketball players put together.

Directed by Alex "Repo Man" Cox!

If you haven't been reading The Multiversity, fix that like yesterday.

100% worth it. Maybe more. And pick up a copy of "The Demolished Man" while you're at it. It's hard to credit it in today's environment, but there was a time when "speculative fiction" as its advocates used to like to call it, was seriously some of the most ambitious and amazing stuff being written, by writers who

Sad white british ladies are like catnip to the academy, I'm afraid.

I actually do both. :) Gay dating always struck me as checkers in that metaphor: guys are pretty straightforward and will let you know pretty quickly whether they're interested or not, bless 'em. Girls are socialized to be more complicated about it, and you end up spending more time than you'd like reading the tea

ASK YOUR DOCTOR FOR AN AMBIEN PRESCRIPTION. Seriously. I have a similar inability to sleep in unfamiliar beds next to people whose night movements I'm not used to. It's fucking life-changing. Half a pill is usually more than enough.

Somewhat similar to you, I hooked up with a young lady during the wedding of a mutual friend. I was in the aftermath of a terrible breakup (as I usually was during my early 20s), plus an ex (from a different terrible breakup) that I wasn't yet over had been at the wedding and I was twisted up about seeing her again,

It's best to think of online matchmaking sites (okc, scruff, radar, etc) as like sending messages in bottles. You throw it into the ocean and then the best thing to do is forget about it. A message will come back, or it won't, and there are a billion reasons why that might happen that have nothing to do with how

Not to argue in favor of spending money on stuff you don't want to watch, but you do know that netflix doesn't control which movies and shows the studios license them, right? (It's the main reason they're trying to pump out original content as fast as they can: nobody can take House of Cards away from them.)

Seconded on Brothers Bloom

Yes it did. And 20 years later, she is still amazingly hot. Apparently you can hire one hell of a personal trainer when you're married to a billionaire.