
Counterpoint: based on his performance, Eddie Redmayne knew exactly what kind of movie he was in.

David Cronenberg and Peter Capaldi in:

Not a lot of screen time, but jesus fuck what he did with it. You could see the humanity and kindness draining out of him as his real personality came rushing back.

It is physically impossible to underrate that movie.

Wait seriously? After their Kickstarter tanked, I'd assumed that it was just never gonna happen.

One of the originals and still best.

Already there, tooting the horn. Mandvi gets nowhere near as much press as the other Daily Show talent, but he completely killed it from moment one and pretty much every time he was on after that.

God, as I was reading through the letter and Dan's response, all I could think was "the comments section is gonna be a complete fucking shitshow, isn't it?" Thankfully disqus sorted yours right up to the top (by whatever weird algorithm it uses to decide such things) and I now know that for the sake of my blood

Riddick committed the unforgivable sin of pissing all over the legacy of "Pitch Black" in the name of trying to give it an epic backstory. "Jupiter Ascending" is basically the same kind of silly, but at no point watching it did I feel pity for anyone involved, which is more than I can say for most of the cast of

A hot clusterfuck that's fun to watch?

Damnit, now I have to watch that film again.

There's a certain point beyond which — and Mr. Bjornsson is waaaaaaay beyond it — you can't even begrudge them the steroid use any more. He's not competing in the olympics, and it's a given that all of his opponents are juiced to the gills as well. And I'm pretty sure that even if I subsisted on nothing but a diet

Not to take anything away from Hafþór (because I try very very hard to avoid even giving the impression that I am trying to take anything away from men who can bench-press medium-size automobiles) but Conan Stevens just had that air of "imminent and fatal (to you) explosion" that neither of his successors really

They did? Huh, I missed that. Gonna have to go re-watch I guess.

Well, you can't fault the man for his method commitment to staying in character at all times.

*stares at a smiling, dancing Carrie Brownstein, sighs helplessly*

If you liked Fraction's Hawkeye, Sex Criminals is a complete no-brainer.

The hands-down best story out of many: the time that Marvel nearly bought DC comics outright:

Pretty sure it's illegal be be Mike Patton in Alabama.