
He's Dr. Byron Orpheus, duh.

Straczynski seems to think that someone at WB actually wants to throw $100M at the project; I honestly can't tell if he's delusional or just fucking with people:

Out of curiosity, would you say that it's appropriate for a five-year-old?

Well, JMS himself, and…

So that's another 5 year delay on the erstwhile Babylon 5 feature film then?

Your memory jibes completely with mine. It wasn't even bad enough to be fun, it was just really bad.

Krull was a pivotal moment for me as a film fan. I was 11 years old, a total sf/fantasy nerd, the hype machine had been beating relentlessly for Krull for months, and it was coming out on my birthday. It was clearly going to be the most awesome thing ever, and despite the fact that the previews made it sound like it

Yeah, this sounds like an awesome idea if he were to do it on a live tour, MST3K-style. But paying for playboy TV in A.D. 2015? Not even for this, which admittedly sounds like an awesome idea otherwise.

Coming soon to an announcement of being pushed back to January 2017!

"Awesome characters distracting you from the fact that this is utter nonsense" is 100% in tune with the aesthetic of both the Jack Kirby and Walter Simonson runs on Thor.

Very, very belatedly, it occurred to me that there is one honest-to-god gaping plot hole in this:

This. Particularly, as much as we'd all like to forget it, there was this little disaster in between the two Sin City movies that had the effrontery to call itself "The Spirit" because apparently Will Eisner's estate has very poor judgment in business partners.

Oh dear lord. I spent that entire scene going "who is this woman, and why does she look so much like belladonna?" And then, during the credits, "who the fuck is Michelle Sinclair?"

Royo has probably had the worst time of it career-wise of any of the major players there. I really hope he gets more and better work: the man can rock a suit.

I know! He smiled! He was loose-limbed! His eyes weren't stone cold and dead! WHAT THE HELL?!

There's an episode of "No Reservations" where Anthony Bourdain is hanging out at Gloria's (a soul food place in Crown Heights) with Michael K. Williams (Omar), and Jamie Hector happens to be there (allegedly unplanned, but who knows) and they all end up sitting around and shooting the shit. Seeing both Williams and

For what little it's worth, it sounds like you're doing all the right things here. Good luck: this fucking recession can't last forever. (He says, knocking wood.)

From your mouth to god's ear. *shudder*

I was kinda pussy-footing around this in my reply above, so I guess I'll go all-in:

Welcome to the wonderful world of Robert Heinlein's fascinating sexual hangups. The best part about "All You Zombies" is that it's not even close to the most fucked-up thing along these lines that he wrote.