
Actually no, no it did not, despite literally decades of pettifogging on this subject by Polanski and his idiot apologists like you. "I didn't get the deal I thought I was getting" is a common complaint by convicted felons, but that does not engender sympathy nevermind some sort of post-hoc legal immunity for further

Polanski is not, repeat not, wanted on the charge of child rape. That case is over, and he was convicted.

Serious question: other than the job, what's keeping you all in the most expensive city in the country?

Not just at american sporting events. As god it my witness, a month ago I found myself dancing to "YMCA" at a wedding… in Ramallah.

Unless the L train has been dropping me off in a different city without me realizing it. :)

Ah well, that would've been hilarious. (There's a regular movie trivia thing there that a bunch of dissolve/avclub commenters go to.)

Speaking as another bi guy in a LTR with a girl (which, honestly, is where most of us end up) — I make a point of identifying publicly as bi for just this very reason. The absence of any visible people like me during my adolescence certainly made it harder to figure out what the hell my own brain and junk were

If you're lucky enough to live in a state with "medical" marijuana, get a prescription card. I cannot advise this enough.

Savage blogs regularly at the group blog of the alt-weekly he's the editor of:

Would this be videology by any chance?

"Make short actors look imposingly tall" is a problem that got solved back in the silent film era.


The man was basically born to guest verse. 90 seconds of him in the middle of El-P's "Oh Hail No"? Fucking hilarious. An entire album? Pass.

The puffball thing is a fixable problem: these days it seems like most big-budget action films include a line-item for "hand over all lead actors to insane ex-Mossad personal trainer for six months" anyways.

I think you just answered your own question: Roger Moore was being held together with duct tape and men's support girdles by the time "Octopussy" and "A View to a Kill" came out. Nobody wants a repeat of that experience, probably least of all Daniel Craig.

Yeah, I feel a little guilty snarking on Rinko Kikuchi. She's clearly a decent actress in her own language and can do good work when directors actually take into account that she's not very comfortable working in English: cf The Brothers Bloom.

I will now never be able to listen to "You, Me and a Bottle of Buckie" again without envisioning Rush Limbaugh having sex. Thank you SO much.

And not just Superman! I really really want to see DC expand on the Earth-23 concept, just to fuck with people.

The nice thing about fictional characters is that they're entirely additive. Black Superman doesn't retroactively erase the existence of the Shuster/Siegel character any more than Blue/Red Superman did.

Really? I thought Elba was just about the only decent thing, acting-wise, about either of those things. He certainly appeared to be the only person enjoying himself in "Prometheus", and out-acting whathisname and whatserface in Pacific Rim didn't really take any effort.