
Did "Days of Future Past" get dramatically better in its second act? I gave up after 15 minutes of terrible expository dialogue and muddled SFX.

"The replica, which initially instant messages, then talks to Martha on the phone, is self-aware."

Go back to youtube comments.

Mostly the blackboard messages from the upper dreamstate trying to get Clara in the lower dreamstate to realize that she was dreaming. (Although god knows that Three Stigmata wasn't the only place PKD used similar tropes — just happened to be the first one that came to mind.)

A++ speculation there. It would certainly be completely in character for Missy to breathlessly give him "Gallifrey's" coordinates, only for it to turn out to be a planet infested with ceiling-dwelling brain parasites.

The orange on the window, and the fact that "final" Clara woke up without any sort of wound or blood on her head, as they clearly had lampshaded earlier would be the case.

I'd say that this was more riffing on Inception's obvious sources (primarily Philip K Dick's crazier novels: UBIK, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Flow My Tears the Policeman Said) than on Inception directly. The sequence where Clara starts seeing messages from the upper dreamstate telling her that she was

Well, I just saw Doctor Who do a straight visual quotation from Videodrome while simultaneously riffing on "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch", "Half-Life" and "The Thing From Another World". I cannot say that I was expecting any of that, so well played.

The Waters-less 1987 tour was my first ever stadium concert, circa age 15. For all that both Gilmour-Floyd's and Waters' studio output was consistently underwhelming, both of them could and did put on a hell of a live show when the mood struck them.

That there is as good a definition of "damning with faint praise" as I have ever encountered.

Given that Moore, in his one and only public statement about Morrison, referred to him as "a kind of Scottish tribute band", Morrison turning around and doing a piss-take on Watchmen is exactly the right kind of nervy.

What Mr. StoneyElephant said. Music of My Mind, Talking Book, Innervisions, Songs in the Key of Life: most musicians would kill their own parents to have just one album like that, and he dropped four of them (plus another half-dozen almost as interesting side projects) in 8 years.

Dear conservatives mad about your exclusion from the ranks of American end-of-year best-of lists:

"Mad World" was actually not the first cel-shaded FPS action game. Back in the stone ages of 1996, Zombie Studios released a weird little thing called "ZPC" (for "Zero Population Count"), a Doom-style FPS (based on the Marathon engine) with artwork and concepts by Chris "Brute!" Hughes, the guy who did all the cover

Agreed. As much as I, a dyed-in-the-wool comic nerd from the 70s, appreciated the fact that we were finally seeing an adaption of the Jack Kirby / Jim Starlin high space weirdness of that era, Ronan the Accuser was always a pretty sketchily drawn character even then, and the movie version (necessarily divorced from

This sort of thing is the reason that I'm really jazzed about the netflix deal and hope that all of the shows do well. I get, grudgingly and with gritted teeth, that economic realities dictate that the big-budget summer films are gonna be superman and spiderman and batman and thor ad nauseam for a while. And for

I would pay any amount of money for this.

Amen a thousand times to this. I think the last time I was as consistently amused by a comic book was the first year of "Groo the Wanderer" when I was 13 and much more easily entertained than I am now.

No "Superior Foes of Spider-Man"? I demand a recount!