
So I'm happy to stipulate that as a 42-year-old successful actor who appears to have not punched anyone in the face for at least a decade, Wahlberg has probably "reformed" himself to whatever extent that word means anything.

Oops, you are of course correct. In my defense… hey look, a monkey!

Somebody give these guys a TV show. Are they making "At the Movies" any more? Because I'd pay actual money to see "At the Movies with Run the Jewels".

The World is Not Enough had Michelle Yeoh. Pity it didn't have much more than that.

Seriously. It's a pity that we're probably still a generation or two away from the point where porn actors can regularly cross over into not-naked filmmaking, because she'd be about perfect.

If there's one thing that Hollywood seems to have down pat these days, it's taking previously reedy or doughy actors and throwing them into the arms of some insane ex-Mossad physical trainers for six months and having them emerge on the other side as rock-hard killing machines. (Cf the before and after on Chris


BEST cookie_monster post, or CREEPIEST cookie_monster post?

The trick with fleas… ugh. Okay, twenty years later I am still incredibly annoyed that my life went to a place at one point where I found out the trick with fleas. Goddamn drug addicts and their goddamn pets. Uh, where was I?

Weird thing is, almost all of them were certified gold or platinum. How does that even work? Are there a million people who signed up for the Columbia Record Club in 1997 who haven't figured out how to cancel yet?

13-year-old me was utterly captivated by The Emerald Forest's message of environmental responsibility and need to fairly deal with the indigenous populations of the world.

Spaceballs is pretty clearly the point where the Mel Brooks ran out of ideas and jokes.

Along with Killer Mike, El-P is 39 and made his three best albums in the last 4 years. (Four if you count R.A.P. Music as a joint effort.) And their trajectory is, amazingly, still upward.

I was gonna say that Cube made an excellent choice by giving up recording and turning to family movie entertainment around 2000, but I just checked his wikipedia page and apparently he's been dropping a new album roughly every 4 years since then. Who knew?

Odds that the entire video is substantially less funny than the title card: 100%

The original Phantom Menace trailer was a goddamn master class in how to cut a genuinely exciting trailer out of a completely shit film. Whoever at Lucasfilm/Fox did that completely earned their pay.

It obviously doesn't make your ten-year cutoff, but I feel like The Matrix (1999) may have been the last film to make that kind of impression on the public. Whether you loved it or hated the film (or even if you just didn't give a shit), it was impossible not to absorb its visual language: from now until our

I basically agreed with the RedLetterMedia guys about Trek `09: it was competent, entertaining, good natured, and didn't out-stay its welcome. It didn't much resemble the original series or movies in any but the broadest of strokes, but that's because the original movies (and for the record I'm a fan) basically could

When it comes to inserting dumb shit into movies in order to sell more toys, Disney has nothing on Lucasfilm. Arguably, Lucas invented the entire genre of "2 hour toy advertisements billed as movies."