
If you're gonna make an apology for doing something monstrously stupid and hurtful, "cold hard cash, and a lot of it" is a highly underrated way of doing it.

Damnit. This series was pure condensed awesome.

Regular reminder: I know we all loved Dimebag, but Phil Anselmo is a fucking nazi and fuck him. Don't give him money, don't support his career.

Gah. A few articles back, I joked that True Detective S2's female characters would obviously run the gamut from screeching harpy wife to stripper to buxom girlfriend AND HELLO HBO I WAS FUCKING KIDDING. STOP THAT.

Now more than ever, I find myself appreciating Bill Watterson's stance on merchandising and licensing. God knows we'll probably end up having to suffer through an awful animated Calvin & Hobbes movie once he's dead and his heirs realize that working day jobs is for suckers, but at least in between then and now we'll

The old series only seemed to keep its actors around longer because it produced many more hours of programming per season. Hartnell, Troughton, Davison, C. Baker and McCoy each did three seasons or less: only Pertwee (five years) and T. Baker (seven) bucked the curve.

I'm still eagerly awaiting his tell-all name-the-names autobiography. Series One is for my money the high point of the revived show (and by a pretty wide margin), and a lot of that is down to Eccleston elevating even the dodgier scripts. It's a shame that RTD and the rest of the production staff didn't seem to

I've said before and I'll say again: there have been umpteen zillion revisions of the Doctor Who theme since the Derbyshire/Grainer original, but there have been zero improvements on it. Give Murray Gold a vacation (or launch him into the sun, it's all good) and stop trying to gild the fucking lily.

You clearly saw a very different first season of Torchwood than I did. I'm a little envious, since it sounds like you saw a much better one.

Sigh. So the thing about this series is that even in its new incarnation, it is incredibly uneven. It's not Breaking Bad. It's not The Wire. It's not even Battlestar Galactica. It's a fantasy/sf series pitched primarily at younger viewers, written and produced by the best talent that the BBC can convince to take

Let's go for a little from column A and a little from column B. :)

Yaphet Kotto is awesome.

There was no fucking way, ever, that they were going to put Papa Midnight on screen in the US. The character barely skated the edge of racist caricature in the comics, and that only if you spot Jamie Delano several points in advance for being non-american. Onscreen, it'd be Yaphet Kotto in "Live and Let Die" only

That version of Superstition is just flat-out amazing. Did CTW ever publish any kind of collection of musical performances from the early years of the series?

(Interestingly, Germany tried to ally with Mexico prior to WWI in order to have exactly that staging area, but Mexico told them to go to hell)

No no, I'm sure the scene where the main characters learn that they're the ones living in a false, alternate reality by casting the I Ching will make for gripping television.

I think the whole point of the plan was that it needed to be in continuous operation: as the cyber-army spread outward, everyone it killed would be uploaded into the disco ball, convinced to volunteer to be cyberized, and then downloaded into the new bodies as they were converted.

IMDB doesn't have much of anything listed for her for 2015, so we can live in hope for Season 10.

Now let us all commence forgetting it again.

Going strictly by the episode's plot points, there is now an exact mental replica of Osgood currently hanging out with Danny Pink inside a disco ball nailed to the ceiling of a major London tourist attraction.