
There's a Christmas special coming up. What is the best Christmas present you could get the Doctor?

It's nice that Clara got to have her moment of emotional clarity with the Doctor, but just how was she planning on getting a resurrected pre-teen with severe PTSD (and who presumably speaks nothing but Pashto or Dari) back to his parents in fucking Afghanistan without using the TARDIS?

For that matter, where is the Galifreyan Disco Ball containing the recorded mind-states of every human who ever died for at least the last several hundred if not thousand years and into which there is no diagetic reason offered not to think all humans who ever die going forward will also have their mind-states copied,

"I Dream in Infra Red"

"Metallica v Napster" would like a word.

Really, they should have named the two sub-bands "Queensryche: Mindcrime" and "Queensryche: Empire", and then had a regular battle-of-the-bands tour in which an audience of tens if not dozens of people picks a winner every night.

God, Jacobi's 300 seconds of screen time as the Master were just… look, I know that there's no way that Doctor Who could have ever afforded him for more than a one-off guest role, and even if they could it still wouldn't work because he's 76 and nobody wants to be known as "the producer who killed Derek Jacobi,

"Although, was John Simm's Master really abandoned by the Doctor?"

Given the repeated rumors that Jenna Coleman is not coming back next season, I give it at least 60% odds that the next episode ends with Clara's body being killed and her mind staying with Danny in the mini-Matrix.

Yeah, if Bats-v-Supes tanks, I wouldn't put a lot of money down on Warner actually risking any money on the WW movie.

Still peeved that the Chitauri did not turn out to be the Korbinites.

The first third of the Norton Hulk was legit awesome: a great nod to the Bixby TV series, the chase through the favela and the drink factory. Then it all got really boring really quick. In a better world, they would have sat on the script until a few years later when the MCU had actually gotten going.

Seriously. I'm all asquee over the Captain Marvel news, but a smidge sad that it means we're probably not going to see a Monica Rambeau or a Kamala Khan movie any time in the next decade.

Argh, I'd never quite realized this before you spelled it out, but… geeze, no wonder they keep teasing Thanos of all people as the ultimate big bad and lugged out Ultron this early. There's literally almost nobody left.

I'd be surprised if they didn't eventually— they've been trickling out Mac releases of previously windows/dos-only games by bundling them inside of WINE, for example System Shock 2.

I'm going to just use this as an excuse to download the first few trades of the Delano/Ridgeway era Hellblazer comics to my iPad and re-immerse myself while ignoring the trainwreck on TV.

"The Living End" is still, over twenty years later, the single worst-made film I have ever paid money to see in a theatre. It was wall-to-wall incompetent in a way that makes Tommy Wiseau look like an auteur: say what you will about "The Room", but at least the sound mix was mostly audible and there were no boom

What on earth is the point of being an atheist if having divested yourself of the baggage of god myths you're going to then turn around and be just as much of an insufferable, pompous, thin-skinned nitwit as any Ayatollah in Tehran?

If in another 2-3 years we're not looking back at the back-to-back airing of "Mummy" and "Flatline" as Mathieson's successful audition for the job of show runner, I will not even be slightly surprised.

Actually, I'd say that the problem with S5 is that he gave at least a few newspapermen way too much dignity. As much as I liked seeing Clark Johnson get some screen time again, Gus was basically David Simon mary-sueing his own beef with the Sun's editors. We had ten episodes to get to know Gus, and we left knowing