
The really weird part of that scene was that Jamie Hector, in person, was all smiles and bubbly goofiness. Him not looking like a dead-eyed killer is in its own way just as unsettling.

Obvious… and yet correct. We'll allow it.

In re DX:HR… I'm actually kinda curious what your load-out was when you had the fight with Yelena? One of the regular knocks on the game was it was being reviewed was that of the major boss fights, the first one was by far the hardest. I basically suck at the shooter parts of FPS games, and I still beat her on the


Oh god, I'm gonna be that guy.

They've been allegedly working on that album for approaching a decade now. Unless California's drought causes a nationwide marijuana shortage, I wouldn't advise holding your breath. They had a kickstarter a year ago to try to raise money to finish the thing and unlike the cat sounds album above, it did not get

I think the biggest problem with the blackmail box was that each and every single character insisted on calling it "The Blackmail Box", complete with definite article (to distinguish it from all of those other blackmail boxes, and also from all of the other important non-blackmail boxes on camera), often multiple

Yeah, there's a long, long fallow period between "Pilot" and… to be honest about a quarter of the way into season two, where it looks like it's just going to be a dumb antihero cop show with nothing much to recommend it other than some decent acting and fancy camerawork. Then Ryan and co found their footing and

Once the stubble gets past a certain point, it's actually less painful than kissing a clean-shaven guy, since "clean-shaven" actually means "razor sharp hair points lurking just at or below the skin's surface". A few days of stubble means that the tips of the hairs have usually gotten blunted a bit.

The Vita is definitely having a quiet little renaissance of quality mid-tier games for it; I'd definitely recommend it. I basically bought mine to play TxK (don't judge, I sold my soul to Jef Minter some time ago in a complicated transaction that technically makes me Welsh royalty if they ever secede) and have been

Waaaaaaait a minute. A post-apocalyptic road movie starring Melanie Griffith? Is this the stealth Cherry 2000 sequel that we've all been hoping for?

Well that's a start at least, although in an ideal world we'd get a pc/mac/ios/android port at some point.

Journey. Journey. And did I mention Journey?

Dick Cheney to the trial judge at the Hague:

Even if the mix had been good (and it so was not), that wouldn't fix the problem that Badalamenti wrote basically four musical cues for the entire series, and they used them over. and over. and over. and over. and over. and over again, often multiple times within the same episode. It's incredibly distracting.

Janelle Monae's two main studio albums > Kanye's entire career.

ZMF still hangs out regularly on the Shield recap threads.

We all agreed to pretend that movie never happened.

Truth, ZMF. It's so much a better title that I honestly have to wonder if Vince Gilligan didn't slap himself when he heard it.

It's not Federal Pound Me In the Ass Prison, but I will accept "convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza" as an answer. Pity the "community confinement center" probably allows him to wear civilian clothes and not an orange jumpsuit.