
Yeah, strongly agreed actually. That was the point where the writers really lost their grip on what made Pembleton work as a character: he not only didn't need an operatic Very Special Storyline to be interesting, it actually made him less interesting.

I think that when people think about Braugher on Homicide, they basically flash on "Three Men and Adina" and "Bop Gun" and all of his Very Very Actorly stuff in the "Pembleton recovers from a stroke" plotline.

Well, both parts were horribly underwritten (sadly par for the course for female supporting cast in Marvel's movies), but Gillan seems to be having a better time, to my eyes anyway. YMMV as they say.

She's actually quite good in Guardians of the Galaxy: way better than Zoe Saldana, who seemed tired and dispirited in every scene. Sadly, she was also working under roughly 30 gallons of latex makeup, so it may not help her career much — whereas sadly her name and lovely face are all-too-prominently featured in the

A classic case of a band being more than the sum of its parts. Gilmour is an amazing musician, an excellent tunesmith and arranger/engineer, but basically kidding himself as a lyricist. Waters is a certified genius, but desperately needs someone around to tell him that being a genius doesn't excuse self-absorption —

And not a single penny to Tezuka Productions.

Jesus no. Chibnall wrote Cyberwoman and that godawful Silurian two-parter. He is not to ever be allowed near the reins of Doctor Who. No no no no no.

Unlike his mentions in S1, which I merely passively forgot, his call-out in the finale I forgot by way of active effort. (In fairness, not because I was trying to forget him specifically, but because I was trying to forget the whole misbegotten thing.)

West Philly, at least, is cleaning up a bit in spots. Mostly, as I understand it, as a result of U Penn forcing the matter by buying up as much real estate as they can get their hands on and redeveloping it.

Amen, it's hard to even explain to people how fucking weird Philadelphia in the 80s and even early 90s was. It was a city that absolutely positively could not stop succumbing to its own worst instincts at every last moment: even the richest downtown neighborhoods were dotted with abandoned and burned out buildings

Heh, I guess Boston was big enough to support a few parallel groups. :)

We should start a betting pool on the B5 movie getting made (a) before JMS dies, and (b) ever. I tend to think that the project is cursed.

Suddenly curious if I know you. Did these friends have…elbows? Were they the usual suspects?

Also the awesome cheesy deep cut "Get Down, Make Love", the cover of which is probably the best thing that Nine Inch Nails ever did.

Pretty sure that trick only works with cassette tapes.

Axl sucked at that show, but not as much as Metallica. Sigh.

This. This this this. Said the same thing upthread, feel so strongly about it that I'll say it again now. I cannot for the life of me understand why the band didn't ask him— or if they did, why he didn't jump at it.

Apparently he had a full schedule of being arrested for soliciting in public lavatories, and couldn't make any space. :(

The post-Mercury Queen albums, in addition to being completely inessential, are also mystifying: did nobody in the band actually watch the Concert for Life? Because if they had, they would have grabbed George Michael for the gig as soon as humanly possible.

This is actually a lovely idea. If the Delenn and Sheridan posters are still around, I'd love to see them step up and take a bow, especially the former. (Disqus' @-notification doesn't seem to know about her any more, which is worrisome.)