
Yeah, even Sandifer whiffs one now and again. :)

Maybe? Sorta? I dunno; I recently re-read TDKR and while you can see some of the early tendrils of madness there, neither was it the full-on crazy of his recent output. It's certainly very concerned with Manly Men doing Manly Things, but the Carrie Kelley Robin may be the closest thing to a fully rounded female

No shit. I can only take about 30 seconds of any random Rage song before I'm hitting the FF button, but as a hype man on other people's tracks the man is perfect.

Dude, like half the roster on Def Jux was white. :)

Per El's twitter feed, it will also be free, although there will be itunes/amazon/google versions if you wanna throw some cash their way.

It's a tribute to how fantastically awesome Casino Royale is that Eva Green is somehow not the best part of it.

Yeah, came here to say this. The movie sequel being a completely unnecessary grab-bag of diminishing returns is, if nothing else, completely faithful to the comics.

9/11 drove a lot of previously interesting and talented people named Miller insane.

And Sliders and Space:Above & Beyond and…

The miniseries isn't perfect or unassailable, but…

Yeah, they were _really_ good in concert, and him with them. Has the actual album finally dropped yet, or is it just still various drips and drabs in EP form?

I got lucky and ended up with a ticket to one of his san francisco shows at DNA Lounge (total capacity: 750) a few months back. Best live show of my life? Easily. EASILY.

War: Blouses

Even now, live and in concert? The man is un-fucking-touchable.

Add in "Once Were Warriors" for the worst date-night triple feature in human history.

More to the point, Ultimate Nick Fury was Sam Jackson. They did not exactly go out of their way to disguise that particular, um, homage.

Sad to say, but in retrospect the single smartest thing that Warner could have done with the core DC line would have been to sell it to Marvel back when Jim Shooter tried to broker the deal back in the 80s.

RwS' cover was also notable for being, IIRC, the first time that many of us ever saw Al without that awful moustache he had in the 80s, and being forced to confront the frankly disturbing fact that the man is… pretty damn good-looking.

Jesus, can we put together a kickstarter to pay Whitaker and Chiklis to do this, maybe as a radio one-act?

OMG Charles Dance yes.