
Oh cool. I'd occasionally wondered what happened to the Get Your War On guy. As one of many people who basically spent 2002-2008 living in a state of nonstop rage, he was one of the things that kept me from going completely insane.

Iggy will clearly live forever, and I will brook no argument on this subject.

Asbestos and heroin. Long story.

Pretty sure that's what Joey was doing like 80% of the time.

Amen. There's a hell of a lot of distance between "By Any Means Necessary" and "A View from the Gallery", and it's all in a downward direction.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was always amazed at how the "Waters was the only true genius in the band" meme survived even one person listening to TP&CoH or, god forbid, Radio KAOS.

"And he discussed how he originally had no intention of introducing Batman to Superman’s world so soon, believing he’d one day get around to that by making an adaptation of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns."

I actually went back and forth on naming Tool as a potential candidate for Soundgarden's successor, but it's a hard case to make: "Undertow" came out in 1993, and "Aenima" in 1996. There was definitely some overlap between the two stylistically, but Tool's sound was pretty well, um, Tool-like by the time Superunknown

Agreed. The three weakest tracks on the album somehow became the breakout singles. Weird old world.

Badmotorfinger suffers a bit from repetition I think. Individually and as singles, those songs are killer. Sitting through the full 57:42 of the album, it's a bit much.

I unashamedly love this album; it's one of the very very very few discs from my adolescence that I'll still regularly go back and listen to. It's a fair cop that they owed much more to Zeppelin than their peers, but that's not necessarily a bad thing: someone had to carry the torch for actual musicianship and

No worries, already done.

You say that like a gender-flopped AbFab starring Iam McKellan and Derek Jacobi isn't approximately the greatest idea ever.

Slagging off Lord Flasheart the same month Rik Mayall died? Points for bravery there.

But enough about his penis.

Don't forget: a hotel made out of explosives.

Embrace the power of "and." Quantum was an underwritten abortion that should never have been allowed to go into production during the writers strike. AND: Skyfall was an overstuffed pile of nonsense only halfway redeemed by Roger Deakins' cinematography.

"But they also wroteQuantum Of Solace, which was bad. "

Technically I believe she in fact says one word. (It's been a while; I may be making this up.)

The fact that this almost by definition has to be a labor of love for them — two of the most acclaimed classical british actors in history slumming it up on a BBC sitcom — makes me even more deliriously excited.